Innovative Luxury Real Estate Marketing Tactics that Drive Sales

It’s no secret– Beverly Hills luxury real estate is highly sought after among investors and other high-net-worth individuals. But if you’re a home seller or real estate agent, you shouldn’t rely on this demand to get your property off the market. You still have to apply certain strategies and marketing techniques to generate the right kind of interest for the home and sell it for the best possible price within the shortest time possible.

The following real estate marketing tactics have proven to be effective for Beverly Hills luxury real estate.


Instead of just relying on listings on real estate platforms, consider showcasing the property you’re selling with a custom single-property website. Doing so allows you to feature more high-quality images and information about the property– a bonus for sellers who want to appeal to international buyers. 

Single-property websites don’t have to be full-blown. You do have the option to add as many inner pages as you want to deliver Beverly Hills luxury real estate information. But if it’s too much for you (or your client, if you’re an agent), a custom website similar to a landing page will do. Think of it as a comprehensive online pamphlet.  

In order to make the listing more successful, incorporate a few but effective SEO strategies. Use targeted keywords (i.e. Beverly Hills luxury real estate) to make the property website visible on search results. Metadata –title and description tags– will also help prospective buyers find the listing on search engines. 


Compelling real estate copy is just one part of enticing potential buyers to reach out and enquire about a property. These days, it’s wise for sellers and agents to also provide a virtual experience when presenting listings. For one, it can shorten the homebuying process for some buyers. Second, it’s useful if your target market includes international buyers. 

There is flexibility when it comes to providing an immersive experience. Including high-definition photos of the actual property and its surroundings is a step in the right direction. The bigger and higher quality they are, the better. 

You can also go one step further by recording a video tour; agents can build rapport with the audience and share tidbits about the property. Moreover, the video can be uploaded and shared on various platforms. Agents and their sellers can post the video tour on their social media profiles so more people can learn about the listing. 

An alternative to video tours are 3D virtual tours. These give interested parties controls– they can explore the property on their own time. Technically speaking, they can spend as much time as they want in a particular room, or move on to spaces they find interesting. Depending on the tool or platform, they can also zoom in on details that catch their attention. 


Open houses are still a thing. They’re a great way to network with prospective buyers (even if they’re not actively searching) and other agents specializing in Beverly Hills luxury real estate. Even if you don’t receive offers from guests, they can spread word about the listing to their friends and colleagues– some of whom may be looking for a new home to purchase.

All that said, it’s time to deviate from the usual open house. Make it a special day or night where guests can dress up and enjoy canapes and drinks. Set up some spots throughout the property for picture-taking. Guests will most likely upload their photos from the party on Instagram and Facebook, and that’s free marketing for the listing. 

One way to put a fresh spin on open houses is to set a theme. It could be a 50s-style pool party if you’re hosting an open house in the middle of summer. If the target market likely collects art pieces, perhaps an art exhibit showcasing local LA talent can be arranged. For properties that are architecturally significant, a party or gala revolving around the style (or the architect who designed the home) is a great way to show off the home’s history and heritage. 

When selling Beverly Hills luxury real estate, don’t just ride its popularity or reputation. Use innovative marketing tactics to ensure a successful home sale. 

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