Top 11 Event App Development Ideas for Startups 2024

In all honesty, how often have you thought of Event & Ticket Booking App concepts?

Many times! Have you considered what you’ll do to implement your strategy?

We have fantastic Event App Development concepts to help your business become more profitable in this digital age. It is not simple to develop an instant million-dollar app, but you could opt for an app for a mobile development firm with your app development concepts and imagination.

The 2020 pandemic indicates that the use of business apps in the cloud could be embraced, and companies can benefit from mobile apps to achieve success.

Research shows that the current growth trend is seeing an enormous increase in users, with the number of phone users reaching five billion.

In 2024, Statista studies show a continuing upward trend in app downloads, contributing to the rise of the industry’s revenues. Recent data shows an impressive increase, and the revenue projection is projected to increase by $462 billion from 2019 and reach $1.1 trillion by 2024. This remarkable growth highlights the continuing importance of mobile apps across various industries and their crucial contribution to the digital world. The enduring growth of smartphones and the continuous advancement of mobile technology are significant factors in the constant development of the app market worldwide, and they highlight their considerable impact on the digital economy.

Top 11 Event app development ideas for 2024.

Let’s explore some hot Ticket Booking App Development concepts for startups based on statistics and forecasts from large corporations. Take a look at our list of app concepts!

Recipe app

In light of the rising popularity of apps for lifestyle, delivery, and messengers, you are welcome to create a recipe application with nutritional recommendations. You could also include an RSS feed and chat to allow people to swap recipes and post food photos. Cooking is a daily activity, so people will be delighted to find an app that categorizes well-tested recipes that will ease their everyday routine. Home cooks will also have the chance to become experts.

App for learning languages

Statista said the e-learning application market was booming at the beginning of 2020’s first quarter, with 470 million downloads in the App Store. However, even after the height of lockdown, learning is highly sought-after. According to ReportLinker, the educational apps marketplace in the US is estimated to be worth $90 billion by 2021. In addition, Statista indicates that “education” was the third most searched-for category on the App Store, comprising 8.66 percent of all search queries. All of this evidence suggests that educational apps meet the market’s demand and have a thriving growth perspective, which includes the possibility of earning money.

Reading app

Basic reading applications are widespread. For example, in December 2021, Ireader was China’s most extensive reading application, with 87.5 million users. However, if you don’t intend to compete against such large players, focus on more unique content. Create an app that includes children’s and non-fiction books about art, XXth-century literature, or other obscure and scarce books. Create a library and publish audiobooks or translations into various languages to aid in learning to read and practice vocabulary. If you’d like to make money off your app for reading, you can set the number of books you can offer each month and add options for payment based on how avid the bookworms a user is.

Food delivery aggregator

Due to the pandemic, the market for food delivery apps is growing. Based on Business of Apps, the total revenues from such apps within the US alone was $26.5 billion as of 2020. An active user base of 111 million accounted for this. The projected revenue will be $40 billion by 2025, meaning this area is up-and-coming for new businesses. The apps are compatible with various stores and restaurants and differ in price, so customers frequently have to download ten different apps to meet their requirements. This issue can be resolved by developing an easy aggregator, at the very least within a single city. It is possible to display the most food outlets and let users evaluate prices and delivery durations. Another great idea is to include various search filters so that users can find the most suitable option to suit their needs.

Friendship app

As per Global News Wire, the market for dating apps is growing steadily and is predicted to expand even more. In 2020, total revenues from dating apps increased to $3.08 billion. According to the MAU, the two most prominent players in that market in the US include Tinder and Bumble, which account for 48% of the dating app users registered with one of these applications. It will be challenging for new startups to compete with giant app development companies like Tinder and Badoo. That’s why we advise that you focus on niche markets. For example, according to the OnePulse survey conducted for The Wall Street Journal in 2021, 35% of those aged between 16 and 24 utilized dating apps to meet friends in the past twelve months. The prominent market players understood the need for options to find friends similar to Bumble, who introduced their BFF mode well before the outbreak. However, there’s a demand for “friending” apps in more specific markets. And there are many areas where startups can succeed.

Health and lifestyle app

According to the study released by Sensor Tower, lifestyle apps continue to grow. The users in the US have spent more than $300 million on apps in this category, and the total number of downloads hit 150 million. In light of the trend towards super-apps in the market and the increasing health-related anxiety caused by an epidemic, creating a health super-app for lifestyle is a possible startup idea with an unmet need by 2022. The app could feature an intake monitor for calories, a chatbot offering fitness tips based on the user’s lifestyle, and an option to search for swimming pools, fitness clubs, and jogging areas near their location. Another option is to post articles by experts in sports and healthy eating.

App for streaming video

Even though many prefer large screens, most people only use laptops at some times, even on public transportation or outside their homes. You could provide a cross-platform streaming service that works perfectly on all devices. Add diverse content like news, movies, shows, lectures, and product reviews to make your service stand out. You can also monetize the service with the freemium model.

Music app

Music apps are prevalent all over the world. Based on Business of Apps, Spotify, one of the earliest streaming applications, will have reached 160 million users by 2021, close to 30% of the market share of music streaming. In addition, the revenue generated from streaming music apps for mobile phones has steadily increased from 2014 to $18.9 billion in 2020. Be aware that Spotify is not just popular because it’s easy to use when on the go or due to its massive collection of podcasts and music. This app development company continues to add new and exciting features to its app. For instance, Synthesis, introduced in 2021, allows users to create playlists based on two users’ listening statistics.

Microlearning mobile application

The market is ready to invest in e-learning programs due to the ease of use that smartphones allow users to learn while on the go. Microlearning is a trend in education going in the same direction as smartphone use. It’s a concise and intense learning experience with bite-sized classes that mimic real-world problem-solving. This method lets employees develop soft and hard abilities quickly, as needed, and without being overwhelmed. This is why the eLearning industry included microlearning in its top workplace education techniques list.

Networking app

Many people are active on social media; however, Facebook or Instagram could be a better source of networking options. They’re not the only ones dating. According to a survey, 44% of young people are on Tinder not to interact with new people but rather to increase their confidence. There is a demand for platforms that connect people not used to finding people for a specific job but to find short-term or long-term business partners. Where do people locate counselors, experts for talks and articles, and collaborators? You can create a networking mobile app to facilitate this. Adding a filter by field, level of expertise, and area is possible. In such applications, users can find lawyers to aid their company or a psychology expert to collaborate with via Instagram Live.

Travel planner app

You should consider launching a new travel-planning application. The pandemic has passed, so the population doesn’t need the freedom to travel around the world. They’re hungry for new experiences and exciting adventures.


By utilizing AI algorithms within the Event Management App Development, you can provide your users with more than pre-packaged tours. You can, for instance, offer them personalized recommendations and travel options that can be flexibly planned. It’s as simple as letting users input their travel preferences, interests, and food preferences. The app will suggest accommodations and experiences unique to the provided guidelines. It allows you to stand out on the market by offering a real-time, flexible solution that can handle unexpected circumstances, like unpredictable weather or sudden events, increasing the flexibility of travelers.

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