Best Vegetables To Grow In November – A Profitable Guide

For the convenience of the farmer brothers, we will give information about the crops every month, month-wise, so that you can get better production by sowing the produce at the right time. So in this sequence, we will give information about the crops planted in November. Along with this, we will also tell you about their high-yielding varieties. I hope this information provided by us will prove beneficial for the farmers. So let’s know about the crops sown in November.


Cauliflower is a popular vegetable and belongs to the cruciferous family. The best time for transplanting its early varieties is June-July. On the other hand, August to mid-September for late varieties and the first week of October to November are suitable for transplanting. Its Pusa Sanobal, Pusa Sanobal 1, Pusa Sanobal K-1, Snowball 16, Pant Shubhra, Early Kunwari, and Pusa Diwali are the famous varieties, which can sown to get a good production.


The proper time for the cultivation of cabbage is from September to October, but it can be cultivated in November, also. Generally, the cabbage crop period is 60-120 days. Average production is 200-300 quintals per hectare. Among its early varieties, Pride of India, Golden Acre Kranti and Mitra (hybrid), are prominent. Moreover, their sowing time is in September. On the other hand, its medium and late varieties Pusa Drum Head, Late Drum Head, Copenhagen Market, September Early, Midseason Market, Shree Ganesh Gol, Quisto, Hari Rani Gol, Selection-8, Hybrid-10 (hybrid) etc., are prominent. Their sowing is in October and can be done in November.


Tomatoes are cultivated almost all over India. In the country’s northern plains, two crops are taken in autumn and spring. In southern India, three tomato crops are taken, sown in June-July, October-November and January-February. Whereas in Punjab, only spring to summer season crop is taken. The indigenous varieties of tomatoes are Pusa Sheetal, Pusa-120, Pusa Ruby, Pusa Gaurav, Arka Vikas, Arka Saurabh and Sonali. In contrast, its hybrid varieties Pusa Hybrid-1, Pusa Hybrid-2, Pusa Hybrid-4, Rashmi and Avinash-2 have mainly improved varieties. Apart from this, its Arka Rakshak variety is a bumper production variety.

Read More : Healthy Months With Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables


Beet crops grow well in cold weather. Therefore the best time to develop this crop is winter. Although it can be cultivated for twelve months, in the crop grown in the winter season, its roots are strong, and the amount of sugar is also rich in it. Its improved varieties include Detroit Dark Red, Alloy Cosby, Kimson Globe, Early Wonder, etc.


Turnips are grown in autumn. It can tolerate extreme cold and frost. Therefore, cultivate it in winter. For its cultivation, its improved varieties are Red-4 and White-4, which harvest soon. The red variety is mainly planted in autumn. Its roots are round, red and medium in size, ready in 60 days and grow Safed-4 in the rain.

Moreover, it is also a quick maturing variety. The colour of its roots is white as snow. It gets ready in 50-55 days. Apart from this, its other improved varieties include Purple-top, Pusa-Swarnima, Pusa-Chandrima, Pusa-Kanchan, Pusa-Sweti, Snowwal etc.


Radish is cultivated in both plain and hilly areas. In the plains, sow it from September to January. Whereas in hilly areas, plant it till August. Famous radish varieties include Japanese white, Pusa deshi, Pusa Chetki, Arka Nishant, Jaunpuri, Bombay Red, Pusa Reshmi, Punjab early, Punjab Safed, I.H. R1-1 and Kalyanpur is white. In addition, rapid Red, White Tips, Scarlet Globe and Pusa Glacier varieties are suitable for temperate regions.


We can cultivate Spinach for twelve months of the year. But the time from October to April is quite suitable for its sowing. It is such a crop which gives good profit in less time and less cost. After sowing spinach once, harvest it 5 to 6 times. Jobner Green, Hisar Silicon 26, Pusa Palak, Pusa Green, All Green, Pusa Jyoti, Banerjee Giant, Long Standing, Pusa Bharti, Pant Composite 1, Palak No. 15-16 are prominent among its growing species. Plants of these species are tall. Its leaves are soft and tasty to eat. Moreover, we can use the VST power tiller for best-in-class spinach farming.


Capsicum seeds can be sown thrice a year. The first is from June to July, the second from August to September and the third from November to December. It requires a moist, humid climate for its cultivation. To get a good crop of capsicum, at least 21 to 25 centigrade temperature is suitable. Excessive frost fall is harmful to its crop. Therefore it is necessary to protect it from frost. Its improved varieties include Arka Gaurav, Arka Mohini, California Buder, Yolo Wonder, Aishwarya, Alankar, Hari Rani, Pusa Deepti, Green Gold etc. So, we can sow these plants.


Peas occupy a prominent place in dahlia crops. This is also the right time for sowing peas. The months of October and November are very suitable for its cultivation. Pea varieties divides into two parts. There is one field pea and the other vegetable pea or garden pea. Field peas Varieties in this class have uses in feed, whole peas, pulses and fodder. These varieties are prominent, mainly Rachna, Swarnrekha, Aparna, Hans, JP 885, Vikas, Shubar, Paras, Ambika, etc. Vegetable peas This is the second class of peas, the varieties used for vegetables. Among these, the principal varieties are Arkel, Early Badger, Bonneville, Asouji, Early December, Pant Uphaar, and Jawahar Matar. Its medium varieties are Bonneville, Kashi Shakti, NDVP-8 and 10, T9, T56 and NP29.


Coriander crop is sown in Rabi season. The best time to sow coriander is from 15 October to 15 November. However, occasional sowing of coriander is beneficial. The suitable time for planting coriander for grains is the first fortnight of November. Moreover, its improved varieties include Hisar Sugandha, RCR41, Kumbharaj, RCR435, RCR 436, RCR446, GC2 (Gujarat Dhania 2), RCR684, Pant Haritima, Simpo S33, JD-1, ACR1, CS6, R CR 480, RC R728 is the key. These varieties are good for sowing.


Garlic cultivation can done in all types of climates except very hot and very cold environments. Moreover, we can successfully grow it at an altitude of 1000-1300 sea level. Its good yielding improved varieties Agrifound Parvati (G-313), T- 56-4, Godavari (Selection-2), Agrifound White (G- 41), Yamuna White (G-1), Bhima Purple, Bhima Omkar Good There are varieties.


The vegetables mentioned above can be grown in the month of November. Also, these vegetables are profitable and can generate high income. I hope this blog is beneficial for you and if you want to know more about different crops, stay connected with us.