Cracking Top 5 Difficulties in E-Learning

This discussion on e-Learning will help you get most of the learning process. Is your organization striving in the management of online teaching?  Do you want to extend the teaching process to a new level with the help of the visuals, charts, and animated resources? Do you want to scale up your e-learning business?  

This is a problematic approach for tackling the challenges what people are facing in automating the e-learning process. Managing and organizing online teaching is not very easy as the traditional classroom.  Machine learning and AI are growing at a very high pace but why they are incompatible in replacing the current traditional teaching system.

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So, let’s dive deeper into the problem. Discuss it one by one – how we can solve it.

What is e-learning?

 E-learning is not a new term. It is continuously been used for the past 10 years. There are several terms related to e-learning like e-marketing e-business e-cart and now e-learning. But for not it is a bouncing discussion. Even most of the courses like NEET has started on the online platform. 

It is the information age. Learning material can be accessed in a very little time. E-learning saves 50% cost of course delivery. The process is a bit easier to manage. It gives you the means to target a large audience with some hardware and software. What you need to do is to just set up tools, design your courses, and make it to reach people.  Internet will help you target a large number of audiences with the support of various software web technology and hardware devices

My aims to provide you a practical overview of what are the challenges people facing in e-learning and how we can tackle it smartly.

1. Not being Interactive

Peer to peer interaction and interaction between students and instructors are not so effective. Support can be provided over an elapsed time and is termed asynchronous collaboration. When it is provided in real-time and is referred to as synchronous collaboration. In the traditional classroom, there is a mindset of interaction and a relation between the teacher with physical interaction. The instructor knows your strength and weakness and can have a larger room for improvement.

Grouping with colleagues can also be a major good factor in making the teaching better. We can handle overcome this situation if we work on creating engagement. There is the need for a system where you can make a strong and interactive course community. 

One solution could be learners interact over an elapsed period and usually communicate in typewritten format via forums, discussion environments, surveys, or group projects. This interaction is flexible but is slow because the discussion goes for weeks.

In the interactive learning process there need to be direct communication between everyone in the group. There is a need the educators should work on,  where learners communicate in real-time. Different communication methods are used in this process like the microphone/camera, whiteboards, content sharing, and virtual classrooms.

2. Designing the Course Content 

Putting the design into action involves the production of audio/video, programming of software, authoring of materials, and testing. Working on the improvement of the pre-designed courses is one requirement. There is much software in the market that will help you in designing your course structure and share with everyone in the community. You can use the free service of Google – Google classroom.

Up to date content can easily be updated from one central source and distributed in all team members who are working on the same course. Customizing externally developed content, or finding an external contractor to develop materials from scratch on the top today, but expensive. This process also requires creation of own bespoke applications by selecting content, media, type of interactivity available to learners, and user interface up to date. 

3. Consistency

Consistency is also a challenge faced by educators who create online courses. The dropout rate is higher as compared to the physical classroom-based program. Once the student signup for the course more of them drop out. The major reason is that there are not some strict rules for the students. These courses are sometimes designed to have a large sale and so the student does not attend classes on time or work for the assignment assigned to them. Gamifying the content can decrease the dropout rates. Another reason can be the course does not add value. Let me explain. Value comes from investment. If you are investing in creativity and trying a new approach for solving the problem it will cut the dropout rates. 

4. Support 

The importance of support for e-learners, whether it comes from tutors or fellow learners, is highlighted by many e-learning commentators. They feel it is sometimes useful to provide help when a course in another way entirely based on self-study. When the course is lengthy it requires support and encouragement. In this case, the student needs help to explore exercises or practice assignments. Providing sufficient support for the online learner is crucial to the eventual success of any course delivered online. Students who are learning online needs more support than a traditional learner, as they do not have regular informal interaction with their peers.

5. Adaptability

We can analyze this problem through a supplementary effectiveness check-in which we focused only on courses taken in each student’s initial term when first-time students are limited to introductory courses.  Online courses being cost-efficient but it does not seem to meet the requirement of people. Students who are used to face to face learning do not want to learn from online courses. Creating awareness for e-learning can solve the problem. 

Final Thoughts

Many advantages are claiming for e-learning but many of them does not solve the actual problem. You can approach top faculty in your field at a very low cost compared to traditional classroom program but it required the resources to set up.  

These are some approaches from my side. Let me know if you have any other ideas about that.

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