8 “Must Have” Graphic Design Skills

Today’s graphics market is more competitive than ever. It is very necessary to be at the top of the group with the right skills and up-to-date information. There are skills that are an absolute requirement for the serious graphic design artist, whether it is a design for their own projects or for others. There are some basic tools and skills needed to have the necessary to produce a graphic design that satisfies the insatiable desire in this changing world for more and more graphics.

List of the skills needed to meet those needs.

Adobe Photoshop – In the graphic design industry, even experts are constantly learning. On top of that, they are the latest and greatest and are experimenting with what can be done. They learn through tutorials, seminars, and books. Adobe Photoshop, a pixel-based photo manipulation product, is considered the foundation of graphic design. To be proficient, it is imperative that you spend a predetermined amount of time each week learning new techniques.

The selection tool offers complex photo design and manipulation. This product teaches you the technique of overlaying and adjusting layers, masks, and channels. These powerful tools allow you to perform photographic repairs, such as correcting colors, scratches, and blemishes.

Adobe Illustrator: This program provides graphic design using vector graphics. For graphics and any other design where bright, clean illustrations are essential, this is the tool you prefer. This detailed graphic illustrator gives the designer the ability to create poster work and any print-ready designs.

This program provides skills such as Bézier curves, converting to a vector image, multi-step gradients, and converting graphic images with text. For any powerful program, it will take a while to become proficient. However, it is worth every minute to learn these skills. If you spend the time, you will reap many benefits from it.

Quark Express – These programs are what are known as page layout programs. No matter what your final product becomes, your workspace is the page. So you need a design. No matter the type of graphics or text is needed, or whether the product will be a book, sales copy, brochures, or magazine, this type of high-end design program is essential.

To master these products, your skill level must be at the level of creating master pages. When this skill level is reached, you can create a 32-page catalog. This is accomplished by understanding how to control text with and around images. This would include setting up the document so that text flows around and sometimes in images.

This program will also help you set up prepress copying and offset printing. If concepts are foreign to you, go to your local printing company and ask for a tour. Try this program first before doing so, so you can be ready with a list of questions while seeing the process through the eyes of your local printer. It can be very valuable.

Flash – This is a program that allows you to give your product a professional look. Flash is installed on twice as many computers as other video platform products. If Flash Player is available, you can implement a video platform on the Internet. As the Web becomes more video-based, the need for a solid understanding of Flash is imperative and urgent. This program will allow you to create simple animations and keyframes. As you learn these skills, you will acquire the knowledge and skill necessary to able to make flash movies and interactive web content and interactions.

Typography: this is an important skill that determines whether you will be a good or an excellent graphic designer. This ability has to do with the type, clarity, and applicability of the type that should accompany the text. You need to know the difference between True Type, PostScript, and OpenType fonts. Make sure you get a resource guide and a resource book. It raises your typographic skills to an expert level.

Generation of ideas: The resource of ideas is essential for any professional. However, in the world of design, it is imperative. Graphic designers get paid the most and are in high demand, not just for their Flash ability or PhotoShop skills but also for their ability to provide ideas. You need a plan and a method. You should be surrounded by other innovative thinkers. Make sure you read, read, and read. This will help your creative side and allow your creative side to open up and flow. Remember that it is the idea of ​​generators that generates significant income. Have a plan and work on your plan.

Networking – This is perhaps an essential skill that is often overlooked. Networking is essential when you are a designer working alone in your studio. Networking is difficult. This will be your support group for those times when you need information, encouragement, and direction. Even if you feel like you will never need it, prepare the resource to be ready.

To build a solid network, attending networking is a good idea. Attend events and seminars where you can meet and network with other people with similar interests. Be sure to bring the contract information. People are willing to share an email address. Be sure to keep that contact information readily available so that you can seek their professional assistance.

Business Skills: There are basic office skills that are needed for graphic design artists. You need to be an accounting genius. However, you do need to know business skills like sales, marketing, tax strategies, and database management. The true heart of any business; whether you’re starting your own graphic design business or hiring clients for your work, you NEED business skills. Without business skills, your graphic design talent will not be used to its full potential.

These are some of the essential skills required to be a graphic design artist, reaping the benefits of positive cash flow. Some of these skills are specific to graphics and design capabilities, and some are specific to the business side. We encourage you to take a good look at where you are on the skill level. Take a realistic assessment and make a plan to acquire the necessary skills.

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