Guide To Creating A Newsletter Landing Page

Businesses nowadays use several different techniques in online marketing. Among the best marketing tools that most business experts strongly recommend is an email newsletter. An email newsletter is mainly used to drive sales by increasing site traffic and connecting with clients. Additionally, it can add significant growth to a business’ social media community as it attracts more followers and subscribers.

With this being said, it is very important that you know how to create a newsletter landing page that not only interests but also engages your target audience. A newsletter landing page provides your target market the needed information once they clicked on a particular link. It is not only used to invite customers to join your email list but it can also be used when thanking new subscribers, starting a product trial or requesting a demo and joining a community. If you have an effective newsletter landing page, you will definitely have higher conversion rate, thus, ensuring business growth.

Guide to Creating a Newsletter Landing Page

For a newsletter landing page to be effective, you have to take note of the following elements:

  • A simple design. It can be very challenging to choose the right design given that there are a lot of choices available at ConvertKit. Narrow down your choices by choosing those with minimum design. You can even take advantage of pre-made templates as these are usually the basic and clean ones.
  • A short but accurate headline. Make sure to catch the attention of your target audience by creating a strong headline. Avoid lengthy headlines as this will only bore them. Make it short and precise.
  • A clear description. It’s very important to note that descriptions should be clear and concise. While the headline should be kept short, the description should include at least two powerful sentences that will really keep your audience interested and hooked.
  • Interesting images and videos. Choosing relevant images and videos to go with your headline and description is equally important. Take advantage of your brand logo and graphics used in your business website. You can also opt for relevant stock photos online. If you are planning to create your own video to add to your newsletter landing page, make sure that you have a good script to go with it.
  • A direct-to-the-point CTA. Without a CTA or call to action, your headline, description and images and videos are all for nothing. Your CTA should be short and easy to read such as “Sign up”, Join now” or “Subscribe today”.

Now that you have your guide to creating a newsletter landing page, you can start and test this yourself. Check out if these techniques work and if these really help get your metrics moving. Take note of the bounce rate, click rate, deliverability rate, open rate and other metrics to help you decide if there are needed adjustments to be made to ensure you have more sign ups, better conversions and more sales and revenues to grow your business.