How Six Sigma Training Helps Businesses to Grow

Let us know about Six Sigma!

The phrase “Six Sigma” refers to a collection of quality-control methods that companies can use to eliminate flaws and enhance procedures to increase profitability. A statistical and data-driven technique called Six Sigma examines minor errors or flaws. It focuses on improving cycle times while keeping manufacturing errors to 3.4 instances per million units or events or below.

Levels of Six Sigma certification training

The quality of operations inside a business can be improved by professionals who have completed their Six Sigma certification training. By developing measurements that reduce the possibility of errors and applying standard processes, they work to remove variation in commercial and manufacturing activities.

What do you mean by the levels Six Sigma certification training?

These certifications exemplify the roles that people are capable of carrying out when advancing quality management techniques. Professionals who complete an online lean six sigma certificate program are equipped to actively contribute to improving their workplace culture and reducing downtime. I shall help you learn about each level of Six Sigma certification training so that you can develop the abilities to help your business run more efficiently and progress your career.

  • White Belt

If a professional has not completed a formal certification program or extensive training, they are referred to as Six Sigma White Belts. Professionals at all levels of an organization are shown how they contribute to effective, consistent results in a single session that provides an introduction to pertinent techniques and terminology for LSS. White Belts participate in projects and problem-solving activities connected to quality management and waste reduction with this fundamental foundation.

  • Yellow Belt

The classification of Yellow Belt denotes exposure to Six Sigma ideas that goes beyond what a White Belt is given in terms of foundational knowledge. Yellow Belts may have participated in training sessions over a day or two, gaining the knowledge necessary to be assigned to a project as fully functional team members. They could direct initiatives with a limited scope and support managers with higher belt levels.

  • Green Belt

Professionals must complete a comprehensive course that introduces them to Six Sigma techniques for creating and improving goods, services, and processes to get a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) is one of the frameworks they learn to use while solving problems. This improvement cycle outlines a sequence of actions for comprehending the issues in a business process, setting meaningful metrics for monitoring improvements, looking at pertinent data, putting solutions into effect, and then maintaining the outcomes over time.

People in positions like project management, healthcare administration, or finance management benefit from green belt training because it teaches them about performance measurements and tools like control charts and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). Following certification, professionals are prepared to take responsibility for initiatives and integrate LSS concepts into their organization’s objectives. They can apply leadership techniques, look for opportunities to cut costs, and extract insightful information from data.

  • Black Belt

Leaders can advance their skills by obtaining Six Sigma Black Belt certification after completing their Green Belt training. Since professionals learn the abilities necessary to plan, lead, and explain more complicated and expansive projects or organizational changes, this advanced training necessitates prior knowledge of LSS techniques. In a Black Belt-level course, students gain a thorough understanding of how to implement Lean principles, analyze statistics, lead a team of Green Belts in project management, and drive organizational-wide transformation.

In a Black Belt-level course, professionals complete a project for their assignment or a nonprofit organization to put what they’ve learned into practice and gain practical experience. Students gain the skills necessary to boost their firms’ productivity and customer happiness by establishing a project charter, gathering data, and using Six Sigma tools in a practical scenario.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt holders go on to manage team dynamics, carry out LSS projects, and monitor results. They lead Lean and quality improvement initiatives that have the potential to have a big influence on overall business productivity.

  • Master Black Belt

To advance to the rank of Master Black Belt in LSS, an experienced Black Belt must possess great leadership and problem-solving abilities. This title represents a specialist who has a comprehensive approach to business strategy, coordinating teams across

  • Champion

An upper-level manager who directs LSS strategy and deployment is known as a Champion. Champions make sure that all actions to reduce waste and eliminate defects come together following a company’s demands for growth based on the goals established by executive leadership. These managers guide the LSS implementation leaders and monitor their success with the help of Master Black Belts.

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Five Steps involved in Six Sigma

Five major steps in Six Sigma certification training are – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control, and Improve (DMAIC) technique is used to identify and correct process flaws. The DMAIC process improvement steps used by Six Sigma are clear and straightforward.

  • Define the problem – Formalize the problem statement, the objective statement, the project charter, the customer need, and the process map.
  • Measure the ongoing procedure – Gather information on current performance and problems. Check the accuracy of the data, and as necessary, revise the project charter.
  • Analyze the root of the problem – Analyze the procedure and the data that was gathered, present the data, look into and confirm the causes of the problems, and keep updating the project charter as necessary.
  • Improve the procedure – Create process maps of the new solutions you decide on after deciding on a solution to a problem. Take action to apply the updated changes, then keep tabs on progress.
  • Control – If possible, improve the new procedure, keep tracking results, and apply what you learn to other areas of the company.

Benefits of taking Six Sigma certification training

  • You can cut down on waste

The goal of the Six Sigma mindset is to assist you and your business in streamlining your operations to reduce overall waste. You may identify and address wasteful areas in your organization with the help of the special methodology, which will help you save time, money, and resources.

  • Your effectiveness can rise

Best six sigma certification training helps you further leverage efficient processes in addition to assisting with waste reduction. You can increase the effectiveness of your present business operations by utilizing resources to the fullest extent with the help of formal training.

  • You can minimize the errors/mistakes

Six Sigma certification training gives both the process and quality equal consideration. It provides the easiest method to save time and money is to get your product correct the first time since you can’t “undo” a production operation.

  • Your company’s legal risk can be decreased

The same procedure that saves you money also protects you from prospective legal fees, which may sound too good to be true. Adopting this methodology can help you stay inside international compliance standards as per Six Sigma’s commitment to quality.

  • It can be used in any sector

The fact that Six Sigma may be used in almost any business is one of its best features. It doesn’t matter if it’s higher education, manufacturing, healthcare, or retail. Any business can use the methods and resources they learn during training to cut expenses and boost revenue.

  • You can earn extra money

While it’s true that money can’t buy happiness, it can buy you a lovely trip! Most Black Belt certification holders report salaries with at least 19 percent gain per level for typical Six Sigma-trained trained individuals!

Some of the Examples of Six Sigma in the Real World

Six Sigma needs the support of all entities involved to work effectively. The Six Sigma approach must be implemented and staff must be given Six Sigma certification training and with its uses, which comes with a significant upfront expense.

Corporations and regional governments both employ Six Sigma. Below are the two instances of how six sigma certification training enhanced operational effectiveness, generated cost savings and raised client happiness.

●     Microsoft

One of the biggest software developers in the world is Microsoft (MSFT). Microsoft utilized Six Sigma approaches to apply a strong data-driven procedure to help erase any flaws in its systems and data centers to systematically reduce IT infrastructure failures to increase the dependability and availability of its networks globally.

To establish a baseline measurement for identifying flaws, the company first created standards for all of its hardware and software. Microsoft conducted a root-cause study, gathering information from earlier, high-priority issues, server failures, and customer and product group recommendations. Microsoft created baseline criteria from which to gauge future performance using the historical data.

On a daily and monthly basis, huge amounts of data were gathered from multiple servers. Data analysis and reporting revealed the flaws, and subsequent correction procedures for each flaw were devised. The incidents were ranked according to how seriously they affected the company’s operations and core services.

The teams carried out initiatives for defect eradication using the Six Sigma methodology. Six Sigma helped Microsoft raise customer satisfaction, boost customer productivity, and increase the availability of its servers.

●     Local Government

Lean Six Sigma was said to have saved Ventura County, California, $33 million. The county-wide implementation of the program by the local government started in 2008, and more than 5,000 staff members have received Six Sigma certification training in its use. According to the county, the savings are the result of reduced personnel hours and hard budget items that no longer require money.

You can take Six Sigma certification training from one of the top-ranked educational firms named Henry Harvin.

Henry Harvin

The Six Sigma certification training at Henry Harvin involves learning with ease to boost your confidence and enhance your business. With the help of the IASSC Book of Knowledge and ASQ-aligned Lean Six Sigma experts have designed the course including the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

Highlights of Henry Harvin

  • Develop DMAIC Model, Six Sigma, and Lean Concepts expertise
  • The curriculum is in line with the IASSC Book of Knowledge and ASQ
  • DOE, Kaizen, Minitab, and 20+ Management Tools are examples of master tools.
  • 1 year of project mentoring and a letter of project completion
  • 9-in-1 program including Training, Projects, Internship, Certification, Placement, E-learning, Boot camps, and Gold Membership

Related Courses offered with the respective details

  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Course

The most prestigious certification available for Six Sigma is the Black Belt, which is perfect for workers looking to advance to mid- or senior-management positions. Participants can identify their profile with the global credential of Six Sigma Black Belt Certification: CSSE-BB (Certified Six Sigma Executive Black Belt) upon successfully passing the Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Exam. Participants can also demonstrate knowledge by utilizing the Hallmark of CSSE next to their name. For instance, Priya Singh (CSSE-BB)

  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course

The improvement of business performance, quality, and procedures is thought to benefit from the Lean Six Sigma skill. The candidate will receive tools and methods for Lean and Six Sigma from the Lean Six Sigma green belt course.

Gain knowledge about all facets of Lean Six Sigma, including Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC), as per the IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Body of Knowledge.

  • Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course

Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma Candidates for the course should increase their knowledge of Six Sigma techniques. It introduces the DMAIC comprehensive project management methodology. Candidates can improve their knowledge in project support. It guarantees you the greatest advantages and aids in your professional advancement.

  • Six Sigma Champion Certified (SSCC)

To fulfill the responsibilities of a Six Sigma Champion, Henry Harvin strives to impart strategic awareness of the position. The Champion in your organization is the person who has mastered both a thorough understanding of the company’s business operations and the Six Sigma methodology’s foundational knowledge. The mission, vision, and values that support the business’s objectives are dealt with by the Six Sigma Champion. To ensure that the project is successful, the Champion collaborates with the Six Sigma team to identify and get rid of obstacles.

  • Diploma in Lean Six Sigma

All aspects of Lean Six Sigma are the primary focus of the diploma program.

It will provide you with the Lean Six Sigma Methodologies’ Tools and Techniques and show you verifiable outcomes.

The student will get an in-depth understanding of the methodologies, guiding principles, tools, and techniques related to process and quality improvement in a variety of businesses, including those in the manufacturing, service, public sector, etc.

Subject Experts in the field have designed its Comprehensive Curriculum to provide in-depth knowledge of the Courses and their modules. It includes every element necessary for a Six Sigma professional.

  • Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Course

The implementation of DMAIC or DMADV Projects constitutes the entirety of the Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt course. The Candidate will get a thorough understanding of the DMAIC OR DMADV techniques. The candidate will gain advantages from engagement in the analytical tools directly.

In a business where strong leadership skills are exhibited, the Certified Master Black Belt is regarded as a well-respected designation in charge of winning the support of Senior Management and other stakeholders.

  • Advanced Statistics for Six Sigma Course

Participants who complete the Advanced Statistics for Six Sigma Certification can distinguish their profile with the global certification of Advanced Statistics for Six Sigma Course | ASSS Certification and advertise their knowledge by putting the Hallmark of CASSS next to their name. Consider Sanjeev Kumar (CASSS)


Concluding, the production of more goods while using fewer inputs in terms of time, space, effort, resources, and energy is one of the major goals of Six Sigma. To increase business functionality, Six Sigma practitioners are professionals in the business who employ statistics, financial analysis, and project management. Therefore, by using this process, organizations may make sure that resources are utilized and distributed effectively.


Q.1 What is DMAIC in Six Sigma Certification training?

Ans. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.

Q.2 Why is Six Sigma certification training important?

Ans. Employees who have completed Six Sigma certification training are the professionals in the business who employ statistics, financial analysis, and project management to make sure that the resources are utilized and distributed effectively.

Q.3 Can I do Six Sigma certification training after graduation?

Ans.There are no such criteria for the fresher graduate engineer to undergo Six Sigma certification training.

Q.4 What is the scope of a job after completing the Six Sigma certification training?

Ans. However, there is a wide scope of job opportunities after you complete the Six Sigma certification training. You can find many organizations looking for candidates with the best in Six sigma to enhance the growth of the business.

Q.5 Is there any expiration to the Six Sigma certification training?

Ans. Students can continue to obtain their White Belt, Yellow Belt, and Green Belt Certifications as they go through their Black Belt Program while enrolled in it. Their credentials are fully approved and never expire by The Council for Six Sigma Certification.