How to buy used mobile phones for your mobile recycling, reselling or repair business

In today’s day and age, there a lot of mobile recycling, reselling or repair businesses which are invested in buying old phones, refurbishing or recycling them and then selling them further at very healthy profit margins. In today’s day and age, there are tones of mobile recycling businesses out there and it is common knowledge that most of these businesses fail than they succeed. Thus, if you intend to open a mobile recycling business of your own, then you will need to plan things right and then put your best foot forward to increase your chances of succeeding.

But who exactly who buys used mobile phones?

In today’s day and age, all sorts of mobile repair, recycling and reselling businesses buy used mobile phones for the purpose of using the same in their business operations. If you intend to begin either one of these businesses then you will also need to buy old mobile phones at decent prices, ‘decent’ enough so that you can recycle, repair or refurbish them and eventually harness their economic potential.

What are the different things to consider whilst buying old mobile phones?

Since we already know the fact that most businesses invested in buying old mobiles phones, fail than they succeed, it is highly imperative upon business owners to do the following things, to increase their chances of succeeding and to decrease their chances of failure. So without much further ado, let’s have a look at these things.

Don’t buy too many phones at once

This holds true for all sorts of businesses, including and especially the ones who are just starting out in this industry. You are advised to start small and not order old phones in large quantities unless you have completely mastered the process of repairing, recycling and reselling. If you happen to be in the repairing business, then you should definitely start small and then see just how effective your staff is in repairing the old phones. As a business owner, it is important that you get your staff the much need preparation that they need before handling actual orders from real customers in real-time.

Buy single units from each brand

 If you intend to just enter the mobile repairing business, then you first need to begin with making a list of the kind of phones that you feel that your staff can easily repair and then turn a profit on the same. This mainly has to do with the existing expertise and capabilities of your in-house staff and depending on the same you can either for mid-rangers or flagship level smartphones.

It makes sense to buy one device from each brand because it has been found that multiple generations of each brand and line of phones actually tend to have quite a number of similarities. Sometimes, successive generations of smartphones from the same brand can actually be quite different so here it is to comprehensively research the market before taking a final call on the kind of used mobile phones of each brand that you should eventually buy. The target market that you are mainly aiming, will have a huge bearing on the kind of phones that you should stock for the purpose of repairing, recycling or reselling.

Begin by repairing old phones of your friends and family

 If you don’t want to spend a lot of money in buying old phones mainly for the purpose of training and preparation then you can offer to fix the old and broken phones of the people that you know, like your acquaintances from your family as well as your friends.

Your friends and family will surely be up for this because they get their mal-functioning mobile phones repaired for free and an understanding of this can actually result in a win-win situation for all parties concerned. Further, this kind of an arrangement will work very well for your staff as they will get a first-hand experience on working on old phones of people that can almost be termed as ‘customers’ because in such arrangements even if no money is paid for the services, the ‘quality’ of the repairs just can’t be discounted upon.

Test everything as well as you can

 Regardless of the source or purposes that you buy the old mobile phones from, you should actually make it point to test them out comprehensively before you begin repairing them or preparing them for the purpose of recycling. This means that you must test out all the buttons and check for yourself if the different parts of the mobile phone actually works in the correct order or not. One thing that you absolutely must ask your staff to check is if the mobile phone in question can read a SIM card or make calls.

There’s no problem in buying old phones, because regardless of their type, model or condition, there’s still a lot of economic value in them that can easily be harnessed. But that being said, it would actually make no sense for you as an entrepreneur to buy mobile phones that are in a very bad condition because harnessing the economic potential of such phones can actually prove to be very difficult.