5 Most Painful Orthopedic Surgeries and Their Recovery Time

What are the most painful orthopedic surgeries and their recovery time?

Orthopedic surgeries are procedures that treat the musculoskeletal system, which involves bones, joints, muscles, and tendons. These surgeries are often performed to treat injuries, diseases, or situations that affect the function and mobility of these structures.  many orthopedic surgeries are regarded safe, successful and effective, some of them particularly painful and takes extensive recovery time of periods. In this article, we will explore some of the most painful orthopedic surgeries and recovery times, Here are the 5 most painful orthopedic surgeries and their recovery time:

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Total knee replacement surgery

Total knee replacement is one of the most painful surgical procedures, in this procedure consists to replace a damaged or torn knee part with an artificial one part. The procedure is called knee replacement or knee implant. This surgery is usually suggested for people who have severe arthritis or other conditions many times and that cause continuous knee pain and enhance a person’s quality of life. The surgery can significantly enhance a person’s quality of life, but it can also be incredibly painful.

The pain generated by total knee replacement surgery can be due to many factors, such as the removal of damaged bone and cartilage, incision, and insertion of the artificial joint. After the surgery, patients may experience following pain and inflammation in the affected knee joint, that lasts for a few weeks or even months.


Total knee replacement surgery can also be challenging and difficult, with patients needing proper physical therapy and rehabilitation to recover their strength and enhance the affected joint. In some cases, after a patient has fully recovered from this replacement, they may yet feel chronic pain and discomfort for lots of time.

Spinal fusion surgery

Spinal fusion is another part of a painful surgical surgery,  in this procedure is consists to treat spinal situations such as spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease and herniated disc. two or more vertebrae are fused together to generate a stable spine and relieve pain. Spinal fusion surgery can be extremely effective in reducing pain and enhancing the quality of life, but it can also be extremely painful.

The pain generated through spinal fusion surgery can be due to lots of factors, such as the incision, removal of damaged discs, and the placement of screws and rods to stabilize the spine.

Recovery Time:

Spinal fusion surgery can also be challenging and difficult, with patients needing proper physical therapy and rehabilitation to rebuild strength and improve mobility in the affected area. In some cases, after a patient has fully recovered from this replacement, they may yet feel chronic pain and discomfort for lots of time.

Shoulder replacement surgery

Shoulder replacement is another name for a surgical procedure, In this procedure replacing a damaged shoulder or torn shoulder part with an artificial part. This surgery is usually suggested for those people who have faced severe arthritis or other situations many times, that cause chronic shoulder pain and mobility problems in their life. The procedure can greatly enhance a person’s quality of life, but it can also be incredibly painful.

The pain generated through shoulder replacement surgery can be due to lots of factors, such as the incision, the removal of damaged bone and cartilage, and the insertion of the artificial joint. In some cases, after a patient has fully recovered from this replacement, they may yet feel chronic pain and discomfort for lots of time.

Recovery Time

Shoulder replacement surgery can also be most difficult and challenging, with patients needing proper physical therapy and rehabilitation to recover strength and mobility in the affected joint. It can take a lot of time for a person to fully recover from this surgery, and even then, they may feel ongoing chronic pain and discomfort.

Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most successful and painful orthopedic surgery, the level of pain faced by an individual depending on their needs and requirements of lots of factors, such as individual’s pain tolerance, overall health, and the surgical technique used.

That means advances in surgical techniques, anesthesia, and pain management have made the procedure reduce pain more than it used to. Patients usually receive pain medication to deal with chronic pain and discomfort during the recovery period.

Recovery time 

Hip replacement surgery can also be most difficult and challenging, usually, patients can expect to stay in the hospital for a few days after the surgery, followed by a period of rehabilitation and physical therapy. Most people can resume normal activities within 6 to 12 weeks after surgery, In some cases, after a patient has fully recovered from this replacement, they may yet feel chronic pain and discomfort for lots of time.

ACL reconstruction surgery

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction surgery is one of the most painful orthopedic surgery, The pain produced by the ACL reconstruction surgery usually peaks within the first 2-3 days after surgery and gradually enhances over time. Pain management strategies such as medication, ice, and elevation can help reduce discomfort and you feel relieved.

Recovery time

ACL reconstruction surgery varies depending on the individual and the specific surgical technique used. In general, patients can expect to be on crutches and have limited weight-bearing for the first few weeks after surgery. Physical therapy and rehabilitation typically start soon after surgery to help restore strength, range of motion, and function to the knee. Patients can generally look to get back to full activities including sports within 6-12 months after surgery, this timeline can vary depending on individual specific needs and requirements.


Orthopedic surgeries can be painful, but some are more painful than others. Among the most painful orthopedic surgeries are spinal fusion, total joint replacement, and ACL reconstruction. These surgeries involve extensive incisions, and significant bone and tissue manipulation, and require a longer recovery time, which can lead to discomfort and pain. It is essential to note that the following pain can vary from person to person. Proper pain management and rehabilitation techniques can help minimize the discomfort associated with these surgeries.

You can also book a free consultation 24*7 at Cure My Knee to consult with an orthopedic doctor in Delhi. Our doctor team will analyze your previous reports, recommend you some diagnostic tests and provides you with proper solutions afterward. Our doctor’s team can treat any problem related to bones and joints in any part of the body. Cure My Knee helps thousands of patients who have experienced a smooth transition from diagnosis to treatment Procedure and post-surgery rehabilitation to the discharge process.