Pros and Cons of React Native App Development in 2024

The current world is full of technical advancements, as we can witness the rapid expansion of innovations. This React Native app development field is growing rapidly and making many advancements. In this particular field of software development, there are full options and techniques for developing innovations. In these many available options, the cross-platform development technique is continuously increasing and becoming popular on a worldwide scale. For constructing cross-platform development, React Native is considered one of the major techniques. It has been a primary option for creating Android and iOS apps with the use of a single codebase. The research data by Statista highlights the same aspects.

As shown in the figure above, React Native is considered the top two techniques for developing software applications. The records according to the above figure show that 40.58% of the people use this framework for the development of their software. This shows how this technically is continuously growing. Further knowing React Native, it is defined as an open-source network released by Facebook in 2015. With this framework, businesses got the opportunity to create cross-platform supportable platforms developed using JavaScript programming language. There can be an option of building iOS and Android apps with other techniques. But in the best cases React Native framework technique performs the best when it comes to custom mobile application development. Providing benefits like accelerated development and reduction in the cost. 

This post is formed to analyze the pros and cons of the React Native app development technique in the year 2024. Further, explore this piece of information for acquiring adequate knowledge within the software industry. 

Pros of React Native Application Development Process

From the application development process, the React Native framework holds the second top position in developing frameworks. This shows its rapid growth and advantageous nature. The major advantages of this are as follows.

  1. Speedy App Development Process 

This is one of the major advantages of this framework that holds the ability to create applications quickly. Having the capability of creating multiple platforms using a single codebase. 

  1. Cost Effective Solutions

The process of React Native app development only involves two major teams for both platforms. But when we compare it to React Native then, it works on utilizing only one team for the whole development process. This leads to reducing the application development price. 

  1. Supportive Environment 

A supportive application development environment leads to effective results such as automated performance improvement. React Native uses JavaScript, which has direct access to almost 30000 libraries and different tools. This makes the react native application base more strong. 

  1. Large Community of Developers

This is defined as an open-source framework, so developers can freely access or contribute to the development process. This becomes useful when developers get stuck in any situation and in solutions, they can seek assistance from the large community. 

  1. Third-Party Plugin Support 

This is the most exciting advantage of this react native technique, and as a result, the developers are able to make the application more efficient with the help of third-party plugins. This opens many other options for developers to include Native & JavaScript modules. 

  1. Minimum Risk & Low Downtime

 The more the teams are involved in the mobile app development field the more it enhances the risk tendency. In React native app development only one team gets involved and in this way, the work stays managed properly without any risks. Also with other platforms, it becomes hard to switch between different platforms but in this developers can switch these platforms easily with less downtime. 

Cons of React Native Software Development Process 

Perfection in anything is achieved with the help of continuous integration of the appropriate practices. So it is obvious to face some of the hurdles or cons in the React Native development process. Which are mentioned further. 

  1. Performance Slowdown 

There can be many other reasons for the degradation of the software application. In this process of react native application development, simple designing of applications can be obtained easily but when it comes to the complex designing process this technique would not provide such expected outcomes. 

  1. Upgradation of Complexities

Within this continuously changing environment, the software requires to be upgraded with time. When it comes to upgrading React native applications this becomes challenging a lot. This process becomes time-consuming, effort-taking, and long hours of debugging. 

  1. Testing and Debugging Challenges 

The process of developing a React native application is considered the easiest one, but when it comes to testing and debugging it becomes much more challenging. The testing involved in this becomes similar to native testing. This technique involves languages like JavaScript, Objective C, Java, and C/C+ which makes it more challenging when it comes to debugging. 

  1. Presence of Proper Talent

JavaScript is considered a vast platform but when it comes to developing complex functionalities. Many organizations or individuals require talented developers to properly develop complex functionality. But when it comes to reality it becomes difficult to find appropriate talent according to the needs. 

  1. Inferior Android Support 

React native technique was initially introduced to the market to support iOS and then Android was introduced as a services field. The major drawback of this, developed applications in Android cannot offer such stable outcomes as this technique delivers in iOS. 


Every successful technique has both advantages as well as disadvantages. The applications developed with react native have both pros and cons as defending on different factors. In this post, we worked on describing both these aspects depending on the different specifications. Such as the complexity of software, costs, times, and many others. Give this informational source a quick read to learn more about React Native app development process. 

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