6 Best DIY Beauty Products to Pamper Yourself on a Budget!

So, this is for the women out there, who have an unending passion for buying and using beauty products! Did you know that a majority of the common beauty products that you use contain harmful chemicals that affect your skin in the long run?

You didn’t? Well, there’s a first time for everything! You might be surprised to know that you can even make DIY budget-friendly beauty products at home, with natural ingredients that’ll be gentle on the skin, as well as the pocket!

So, fasten your seat belts ladies! This blog is going to explore 6 of the best DIY beauty products that you can make at home, and pamper yourself with!

1.      Lip Balms

Ingredients: For making a lip balm, gather the following ingredients- 1 tablespoon of Beeswax pellets, 1 tablespoon of Shea Butter, 1 tablespoon of Coconut oil, and 2- 3 drops of essential oil (optional).

Recipe: Take a double boiler and melt the beeswax pellets, Shea butter, and coconut oil. Next, remove it from the heat and stir after adding the essential oil. Pour the content into a container, let it cool, and start using your homemade lip balm right away.

2.      Lip Scrubs

Ingredients: Lip scrub is one of the very easy DIY beauty products that you can make. You’ll need the following things to make it- 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Recipe: Gather all the ingredients and mix them in a small bowl, or container. After the mixture’s done, massage it on your lips gently, and rinse off with warm water.

3.      Face Cleanser

Note: The following DIY recipe is intended for those who suffer from oily skin. Please refrain from using it if you have a dry skin type.

Ingredients: Put together the following ingredients first- 1/4th cup of honey, 1/4th cup of plain yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (optional).

Recipe: Take all the ingredients (including the optional lime juice) into a container and give it a good mix. When you’re done, apply the mix to the face and massage gently. Rinse off with warm water thoroughly for the best results!

Quick Note: Rather than the expensive cosmetics that might burn a hole in your pocket, go for these natural handmade beauty products. Not only will these let you save more money but also will never have any adverse effects on your skin!

4.      Face And Body Oils

The term might look heavy, but the recipe is a plain and simple one! Also, if you consider homemade beauty products, this is one of the simplest products that you can make at home and use without any fear!

Ingredients: Take just any type of carrier oil that you please. It can be Jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, or Sweet Almond oil for that matter! Also, take essential oils like Lavender oil or Tea tree oil, although they are optional!

Recipe: Choose any carrier oil that you please out of the three mentioned above. Take a bottle and fill it halfway with the carrier oil of your choice. You can leave out the essential oil. But if you please, add 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Shake it gently before using it!

Want to share some of your homemade beauty tips? Share freely with us in the category write for us under beauty section.

5.      Hair Wax

Hair wax has a myriad of uses and provides a flexible hold to the hair along with adding some texture, shine, and thickness. Here’s how you can make a natural hair wax at home-

Ingredients: Collect the following things to make a natural hair wax- 2 tablespoons of Beeswax pellets, 2 tablespoons of Shea butter, 2 tablespoons of Coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of Argan oil (optional).

Recipe: Take a double boiler, and melt the Beeswax pellets, Shea butter, Coconut oil, and Argan oil in it. Then remove the container from the heat, and stir in Argan oil (or you can skip the Argan oil too!) Pour into another container and let the mixture cool down. After cooling, whip it with a fork. This creates a wax-like texture. And boom- it’s ready to use!

6.      Hair Spray

Are you one of those who have thin hair that becomes difficult to manage? Follow this simple hair spray recipe and see wonders happen!

Ingredients: You’ll require these things- 1 cup of water, 1/4th cup of Witch Hazel, 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera Gel (optional), 5 drops essential oil [rosemary, lavender- (optional)]

Recipe: Take all the ingredients and pour them into a spray bottle. Shake well before spraying onto the hair. If you want a lighter hold, just spray lightly on your hair for the best results!

If you have a passion for beauty products and lifestyle and want to contribute your ideas, feel free to write for us under health and beauty category!

So, no more worries about emptying your bank account behind expensive face and hair products! Make your beauty products at home, and use them freely!

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