Use a strong command verb to start your CTA
All comes down to being clear and concise with your CTA. With the character limit set at 35 characters per description line, you don’t have a lot of space in your ad to get your point across, so it’s important to get right to the point. Make it clear to your audience what you want them to do, and don’t waste time – begin the CTA with the desired action. A call-to-action like “download our white paper today!” is much more direct and informative, which should boost CTR.

Use words that provoke emotion or enthusiasm
If your CTA is enthusiastic, your audience will be as well. Take a CTA like “buy now and get 50% off!” – not only are you providing them with a significant benefit, but who wouldn’t be thrilled to get their order for half the price? Adding an exclamation point at the end of your CTA to elicit that enthusiasm is a small but effective element here.

Give your audience a reason why they should take the desired action

Since your USP is one of the most important aspects of acquiring new leads, creating a nice USP/CTA mash-up is a great way to increase clicks. “Call today to schedule your free consultation!” would be a good example of this. You have not only stated the action you want the user to take (call today), but you have also given them a reason why they should do so (a free consultation).

Take Advantage of FOMO
The fear of missing out is a powerful motivator. When people believe they are about to miss out on an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they will be quick to jump on board. One of the best ways to use FOMO in your CTA is to mention a sale or promotion that your company is currently running that will not last forever. It’s difficult to ignore a prompt like that, especially in a time-critical, under-the-gun situation (e.g. the Diwali season).

Know your devices
Since the screen sizes are roughly the same and people use them for search in similar scenarios, Google considers desktop and tablet to be the same device. A person sitting on the couch at night who sees an ad on TV for a product they’re interested in is an example of this. The next thing they’ll probably do is pull out their phone and look up more information on it.
Mobile devices, on the other hand, tend to have different user behavior and search intent than desktop/tablet devices, so it’s a good idea to tailor your CTA based on device. Users who conduct a search on their desktop or tablet are typically still conducting research and are not yet ready to commit. Users searching for something on their mobile phone, on the other hand, are frequently looking for “instant gratification” or quick results.

Use numbers when possible
Pricing, discounts, promotions, incentives, and other numbers pique our interest. It helps us decide whether it’s worth splurging on items we desperately want but aren’t likely to need in everyday life. Experiment with your pricing information in your CTA, as well as any other relevant numerical data. A CTA like “Shop today for T-Shirts under Rs. 300!” not only demonstrates how little a user is willing to pay for a TV, but it also plays on the FOMO factor.

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About the Author- Gaurav is a digital marketing trainer and writer with many years of experience in the field. He often writes guest posts for DelhiCourses, an institute known for its beat & affordable digital marketing course in Delhi.