What will education look like in the future? 7 trends that will define the future of education

Since the pandemic of coronavirus, education and its trends are continuously changing. From the online learning mode to the web-based assessments and assignments, there has always been more to discuss with the education and its swiftly changing trends and patterns. For the upcoming decade, this has surely become difficult to predict the emerging drifts in the education and associated traditions. 

With the COVID-19 crises, there has been an impressive change in the educational landscape and this has become unpredictable that what would happen to the educational institutes in future. However, one thing is quite clear and that is the optimum usage of technology to pave the ways of learning for students. 


With the greatly evolving tech-education, this has been proven that educational sector would soon be relying over the technology. The professional CIPD writer online for his blog, education technology market would reach up to $405 billion by 2025 and this is truly huge depicting the increased interference of technology in education. 

In this blog post, we have compiled 7 education trends that are going to dominate the future of education in 2022 and beyond. Have a look. 

Collaboration learning with tools and strategies:

In the upcoming years, collaborative learning would become one of the most vital element of the education. This has shown to be one of those methods that could develop higher-level thinking skills among the students. Also, with the help of these collaborative projects, the confidence and self-esteem of the students are elevated. Moreover, these project activities can be used to maximize the student’s critical thinking alongside improving the social and interpersonal skills. Here, the teachers can use the tools and different strategies as well to bring the entire classroom on the same learning pace and model. 

Entertainment and learning – Edutainment:

Introducing another tech and education related concept that is learning with a pinch of entertainment – edutainment. Here, the teachers can use the technology to create the online videos and slideshows with the help of animation and other innovative techniques. In this way, teachers can blend the entertaining videos with the concept of fun learning and students can understand the complicated subjects and concepts way too easily. Since the students are fond of cartoons and videos, they would enjoy such informative videos and would remember all the keen details shared via these video with them. 

Technical and soft skill based learning:

The concept of teaching the students with the very common word problems and basic science has gone way too old and now the digitization is taking over these common practices. Students are more eager to learn the new things including computers and programming as well. This is the responsibility of teachers to make the students learn the new skills and tech concepts. Alongside the expertise from the technical background, soft skills are also required in the professional grounds and in the near future, we would witness impressive growth of soft skills among the professionals and experts from range of industries. 

Increased focus on student’s choice and preferences:

Be it the need assignment help writing or the struggle to find the best online tutor for complicated subjects, online education would transform the student’s choices and their preferences. With the help of artificial intelligence machine learning empowered technologies, students would be able to find the best assistance for themselves. Personalized learning has also paved its way into the learning and now the students can easily save the lecture for the future. This would enable the students to learn on their own pace and there would be no chances of failing the course as everyone would learn it gradually. 

Promising careers for the students:

With the help of evolving technology, students have also understood the dominating requirement of skills. The upcoming decades would only be relying upon the technology and this has forced the students to plan up for their careers. Technology is on the rise and this would be opening up the doors of opportunity for the students allowing them to go for the higher studies in specific domains. Moreover, this would also highlight the opening of internships and trainee-level job positions for the newbies. The educational sector is promising enough with the careers of students for a bright future. 

Diverse range of learning:

In 2022 and beyond, this would be far easier for the students to go for the learning from anywhere and at any time as well! There would be no restrictions to join the traditional classrooms and mark the attendance absent mindedly and one would be able to learn as per his ease of schedule and capacity of mind. Offering the targeted audience with the range of courses, the students would also be able to get themselves enrolled in the global courses related to their choice of fields and would not have to face any barriers of countries. This would boost the collaboration among the students from all over the world.

Gamification and augmented reality:

Augmented reality and gamification are two boosted technologies that would be reshaping the entire face of education in future. With the help of augmented reality, students would come to know about the practical experience of what is being taught in the lecture. A guaranteed practical experience is far better than the theoretical teaching and it would make it easier for the future scientists, engineers, and doctors to understand the difficult concepts related to their careers and study domains. From the AR to VR, there are tons of technologies that could be used to teach the students in 2022 and beyond. 


This comprehensive guide is encompassing the seven dominating educational trends that would be reshaping the future of learning in upcoming years. One of the world’s acknowledged fact is that the nature of education is rapidly transforming. The pandemic has accelerated the concept of online and personalized learning. Students are staying at their homes and are taking the online classes/ recorded lectures as per their feasibility. This major change in the perceiving method of education says a lot about unpredictable yet innovation future.