Benefits of using ERPs for a Manufacturing Business

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is defined as software that assists organizations in managing their day-to-day operations. These operations include supply chain management, project management, accounting, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, etc. ERPs help companies in resource planning, they integrate all the processes needed to run these businesses, in a single system. Just like all other Softwares, ERPs have also evolved. Web-based ERPs can be accessed remotely. 

ERPs were first used in the 1960s to make the process of manufacturing, fast and efficient.

Challenges faced by manufacturing businesses 

Working in an ever-evolving industry with very high competition is a big challenge for any manufacturing business. Sadly, along with these external challenges, manufacturing companies also face many internal challenges. Some of which are mentioned below.

•    Very little or no control over business processes.

•    Lack of clarity on operational and financial information.

•    No visibility of inventory or stock levels.

•    Never-ending administrative tasks.

•    Disintegrated data management.

•    inefficient methods of running a business.

Relevance of ERP for Manufacturing businesses

The manufacturing industry is very dynamic and the competition is fierce. These attributes of the manufacturing industry, make it impossible for a business to be successful unless it is operating very efficiently. Manufacturing businesses have the potential to grow beyond borders. With such fierce competition, globally. Manufacturing software systems must be updated frequently. Any business working in the manufacturing sector requires speed, efficiency, and accuracy. 

A study suggests that almost 98 percent of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector are using some form of ERP.

Enterprise resource planning glues all the data of an organization together. Without an ERP, every department, present in an organization, will have its database stored only on its systems, and information regarding these departments will only be accessed through systems belonging to them.

ERP creates a central system on which all the information of an organization can be stored. This information is then made available to the relevant departments. 

Manufacturing ERP

The term manufacturing ERP is used to refer to ERPs for the manufacturing process, these are designed specifically to appease users in the manufacturing business.

Manufacturing ERP assists the organization in automating and streamlining business processes relating to manufacturing. Many organizations prefer ERP software built inside their database to form a complete business management platform.

Importance of ERP for businesses. 

Data is very important especially when it comes down to making decisions for a business. Ensuring, easy accessibility of relevant data to all the departments will help a business immensely, especially in making the correct decisions.

The use of ERP software can ensure that in an organization, data is present where it is needed. Instead of requesting data from different departments, all the relevant data will be automatically provided.

Many day-to-day business processes can be automated using ERP software. Automation can prevent redundancy and increase productivity.

Usage of ERP software will reduce the running costs of a business. One or two employees will easily be able to supervise the whole data.

Using ERP, many business procedures can be automated, leaving only a little room for human error.

Departments can be interconnected and their work can be synchronized for achieving greater efficiency.

Advantages of using ERP, for the manufacturing industry

Data safety

“Data is the new oil”, a statement that surely rings true in our time. Data is very valuable, especially for businesses. It is essential to secure the personal data of a business. ERP software helps businesses in uploading data securely in a safe system, where it can be made available exclusively, to a few trusted employees.

Linking Departments Together

Using ERP software, a manufacturing company can link its different departments to each other. The human resource department can be linked to the finance department. The inventory department can be linked to the sales department, the customer service department can be linked to the accounting department, and so on. These departments can then monitor one another’s progress and also coordinate with one another using one system. These departments as well as their managers will be able to monitor data in real-time. This eliminates the need for individual monitoring of each department.

Inventory Control

Managing inventory correctly is vital for the success of any manufacturing business. For the smooth running of all manufacturing processes, Inventory management has to be flawless. An EPR software can help in close monitoring of inventory. It can track inventory and notify the concerned authorities if any changes are required. Manufacturing companies can also classify their products from most to least sellable, to manage their inventories separately.

Managing supply chain

ERP software can be used to make sure that all customer demands are fulfilled promptly. Using ERP, the supply process can be made flawless. ERP systems meant specifically for the supply chain, can automatically create more demand for a product, if new orders are received for it. This software also assists supervisors by providing them data on resource utilization, in real-time.

Automating Business Processes

Many business processes can be automated using ERP software. Manufacturing ERP can help in automating processes relating to the procedure of manufacturing. New orders from customers can be recorded and approved automatically, ordering inventory can also be automated. ERP software can also notify a customer automatically when their order is ready for pickup. Automating these small processes can save the business a lot of time and money.

Quick response and decisions 

Real-time data analysis can help an organization in predicting more accurate forecasts. It helps businesses in showing a better response to any changes in the market conditions. It can also help in the identification of new market trends, so the businesses can take maximum benefit out of them.

Reducing costs

Automating any process not only eliminates the chances of error in that particular process but also reduces the need for manual labor. This will automatically reduce the cost of labor for a business and both time and money will be saved.

All in all, the benefits that a manufacturing business will gain from building or buying ERP software, will far outweigh its cost.


Almost half of the article is about why ERP software is required for manufacturing business. In fact, topic is about benefits of ERP Software for manufacturing businesses. There are grammatical errors and keywords are not highlighted.