The Top 5 Most Visited Websites Developed With ReactJS Library

The creative JavaScript library React was created by software developer Jordan Walke. With it, developers may create expansive and dynamic web applications without reloading the page after making changes.

The preference for React among developers stems from its scalability, straightforwardness, accessible learning curve, and enhanced performance, leading to its widespread adoption in website development. Businesses today Hire ReactJS developers to get their businesses website built on react and get more visibility for their business.

The Five Websites Created Using React Javascript Library Are Listed Here.

1. Facebook

A widely recognized social networking platform crafted by a software engineer at Facebook employs the React framework in its development. Facebook supports the framework despite it being open-source.

React.JS was first created for Facebook and used in several sections of the social media platform’s main page. Facebook created a version of React for mobile applications and React Native to show the components for iOS and Android.

In 2017, Facebook created React Fiber, a completely redesigned version of React that is extremely responsive. It is currently regarded as the next step forward for the React library and serves as the fundamental basis for feature development.

One of the well-known websites created with React is Facebook. UtilizingReact’s compound designenables the display of alerts, post responses, and comments without requiring a page refresh.

2. Instagram

Instagram, born from Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom’s vision for visual content sharing, has evolved into a platform. Now, it enables global sharing for companies and celebrities.

Facebook produced the well-known JavaScript library React JS. Web apps and user interfaces are created with it. For creating dynamic, responsive user interfaces, React JS is ideal. It integrates well with other libraries and simplifies the reading and debugging of code.

Utilizing React JS, Instagram was developed. React JS makes user interface design easy, especially when creating dynamic and responsive designs. Ideal for the Instagram team, the code is simple to understand and troubleshoot. Efficient maintenance allows swift feature implementation.

3. Netflix

Netflix: 130M+ users, 190+ countries, a global streaming giant. The business first offered DVDs by mail but quickly saw the possibilities of streaming video. Since broadcasting material in 2007, they have emerged as a prominent player in the market.

Netflix has always embraced new technology with enthusiasm. They were among the first businesses to implement React JS for their online apps and to switch to a cloud-based infrastructure. React JS is used by Netflix for both its TV app and website. The Netflix website is a sophisticated, one-page program that extensively uses JavaScript. The TV app was developed with React Native. Additionally, it operates on all popular operating systems, such as Windows, iOS, and Android.

Netflix has greatly benefited from React’s assistance in creating user interfaces that are quick to load, responsive, and simple to use. React components’ declarative design facilitates deReact’s modular design and promotes component reuse, following the DRY principle for efficient development. Netflix’s adoption of JavaScript democratized sophisticated user experiences, breaking away from the exclusivity of native apps. They have developed a cross-platform, dependable, quick application that offers consumers an excellent experience on any device by utilizing React.

4. Airbnb

Among the most well-known instances of React web development is Airbnb. Airbnb, a platform with over 4 million listings spanning 191 countries, enables users to discover, list, and book unique vacation properties globally. Offering a user-friendly search engine, it helps you easily find the perfect accommodation for your next getaway. Additionally, the website provides a useful map view that lets you determine how far your property is from neighbouring attractions.

5. New York Times

In 1999, the renowned New York Times initiated the Red Carpet Project to document Oscar fashion trends. They created a new project that uses React to simulate different celebrity appearances on the Oscar red carpet and lets users filter a magnificent gallery of photographs taken over 19 years. The most remarkable aspect of React.JS is re-rendering, for which we should be extremely grateful.

To provide a more reliable front end, the New York Times switched from using PHP to load HTML and JavaScript to using a combination of Node, React.js, and GraphQL across its entire online presence. It has been a great help to them thus far, and they have not encountered any major problems.


Several businesses have improved their web presence and user experience by utilizing ReactJS. You can also get your business web presence improved by reaching out to best Reactjs development company. However, we discovered that the websites we spoke about today best exemplified React’s capabilities. Since Facebook published this JavaScript framework open-source, it has become a global phenomenon and is here to stay. More significantly, ReactJS has the backing of a sizable developer community always striving to enhance the framework. Furthermore, using ReactJS implies that websites will always be at the top of their game, even if ReactJS developers must always ensure their code is up to date.

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