How Do You Know If You are Affected by Symptoms of Being Run Down?

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness that generally disappears after a long rest. But what if it persists for too long? Worry not and read this blog to learn about the common symptoms of being run down. Also, this article mentions the possible treatment options and guides on when to seek medical help.

What does ‘run down’ feel like?

‘Running down’ is a broad term denoting physical exhaustion and mental tiredness. It’s more than just feeling weary; a person may need help performing daily tasks. Often, they nod off at odd times and experience a negative impact on their professional and social life. However, the intensity of these symptoms can vary from person to person.

Is running down the same as feeling tired? 

No! Symptoms of being run down are more constant than tiredness and do not disappear by sleeping. Typically, fatigue accumulates over a long period and affects the mind. On the other hand, tiredness sets in after a stressful day and goes away after a short time. 

Why is fatigue not the same as lethargy? 

In simple terms, lethargy means laziness. When individuals lack the energy to do work, they are termed lethargic. However, fatigue is graver than that and may lead to severe consequences when left unchecked for long. 

What ‘chronic fatigue’ is?

It is a set of symptoms that primarily affect the women. According to recent studies, genetics play an essential role in such a condition. However, suppose the symptoms persist continuously for six months or more. In that case, one must visit a doctor without further delay.  

What is meant by adrenal fatigue?

The adrenal gland is responsible for producing many hormones in addition to adrenaline. Thus, when it does not function properly, hormone production is disrupted, causing fatigue-like symptoms. Besides, the person may suffer from body pain, excessive weight loss, reduced blood pressure, hair loss, skin problems, etc. 

Top 12 causes of fatigue one should know

  • Lack of proper nutrition: When the body is deprived of essential nutrients, such as iron, calcium, B12, potassium, etc., a person can experience symptoms of running out.
  • Poor sleep quality: Sleep is essential for optimal body functioning. When a person remains awake throughout, either due to work pressure or mindless phone scrolling, it can affect both physical and mental well-being in the long run. 
  • Mental stress: Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health disorders to affect people. Over time, these issues can hamper sleep patterns and make a person feel run out.  
  • Anaemia: An anaemic person has low iron levels in the body, which directly affects the RBC count. Reduced haemoglobin production also causes the body to get tired more easily. 
  • Sleep apnoea: It is a condition in which a person frequently wakes up in the middle of sleep due to a breathing problem. As a result, sleep is interrupted, and the individual wakes up tired. When such a condition persists for too long, it can cause severe symptoms of being run out.
  • Thyroid disease: An underactive or hyperactive thyroid gland leads to hormone imbalances in the body. Such conditions often result in symptoms like fatigue and a feeling of ‘run out’.
  • Diabetes: With insufficient insulin production, the body fails to utilise glucose. Consequently, blood sugar levels spike up and give rise to symptoms of being run out. 
  • Cardiovascular disorders: A troubled heart indeed causes fatigue-like symptoms when left unchecked. 
  • Lung issues (like COPD): When the lungs cannot function optimally, the body cells do not get sufficient oxygen, which can cause a person to experience symptoms of being run out.  
  • Medications: Certain medicines can generate unwanted side effects like drowsiness and fatigue. Thus, consulting a professional healthcare provider before starting a new medicine is better. 
  • Autoimmune diseases: Inflammation is directly linked with feelings of extreme ‘run out’ and overall weakness. 
  • Vital infections like fevers, flu, and colds: Often, such illnesses draw excessive energy from the body, and a person may experience symptoms of being run out.

What are the possible treatments?

  • Start eating a balanced diet enriched in fibres, proteins, and essential micronutrients. This can help replenish lost nutrients and regain energy. Some excellent sources of dietary nutrients are whole grains, fatty fish, eggs, sprouts, seasonal fruits, green veggies, nuts, etc. 
  • Hydration is vital for the body, as it helps flush metabolic toxins from the system. It is also essential for transporting nutrients and maintaining energy levels. One may also take organic juices or vegetables with a high water content.
  • If possible, follow a particular bedtime routine, such as meditation or journaling. This reduces anxiety and helps you plan the next day ahead of time.
  • Reduce screen time before going to bed. This aids in melatonin production, thus normalising a dysregulated sleep cycle.
  • Avoid caffeine and sugary junk as much as possible, particularly before bedtime. Such foods not only cause blood sugar spikes but also delay sleep. Instead, try herbal concoctions to rejuvenate the body.
  • A sedentary lifestyle is linked to poor health, often disrupting the body’s natural rhythm. Try exercising at least 30 minutes daily to minimise potential health risks. It also helps with weight management and keeps the mind fresh.
  • Quit unhealthy practices like cigarette smoking and taking alcohol. Recent studies show that such habits weaken the immune system and make the body prone to inflammation. However, if anyone has an addiction and finds quitting hard, seeking professional advice is a must. 

When to seek medical help?

The feeling of ‘run down’ is often tricky and can mislead anyone. At a primary stage, it is difficult to recognise whether you are ill or stressed. Over time, it deteriorates and hampers with normal life activities. If such conditions prevail for a long time, do not sit back. Consider visiting a certified GP to know if there are any underlying medical issues. The GP can prescribe diagnostic tests to analyse conditions in a detailed manner. This ensures better treatment and prevents future complications.


Many private clinics in London offer reliable diagnostic facilities for detecting health issues. Thus, if you have symptoms of being run down, do not suffer in silence. Feel free to contact a private GP and get tested before it gets too late!

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