Best 50 Tips For PLC SCADA

The mentioned tips usually apply to any PLC SCADA Online Training; Here, UniPi programmed mind controls are used for the display and Mervis-based software platform – UniPi which provides its users with an intuitive development interface, HMI editor, SCADA interface, and many other useful features.

1) Plan ahead
Complete setup and configuration for both hardware and software levels will save a lot of time during the program itself, reduce the number of errors, and improve the overall flexibility of your project. We also recommend keeping in mind that in the future you may need to expand your project by adding new features or items. If your plan has more details, how difficult is it to complete your project?

2) Select the appropriate program method
Mervis supports two editing modes – Block Diagram (FBD) and Structured Text (ST). Which should you choose? The choice should not only depend on the level of your experience but also on the type of your project, as both methods have their pros and cons and are suitable for different types of projects.

The job Block diagram is based on so-called job blocks – parts of a predefined code designed to perform a specific task. By using FBD you can easily define control behavior, set conditions, create calculators/subtitles, and more. Because of their precise design work blocks, it is a good choice for beginners or a small automation project. FBD, however, is not suitable for complex projects, as the high number of performance blocks required can result in reduced performance and longer response times.

The format of text editing, which is a type of text code, on the other hand, is ideal for complex mathematical tasks or tasks with repeated conditions. The great advantage of ST is its ability to combine the most complex functionality into a few lines of code. Text code, however, is not easy to use and is more suitable for more experienced users.

3): Follow the coding methods used and tested
During the PLC process, try not to create extremely complex codes, no matter which method you use. For example, an unnecessarily high number of work blocks will make it difficult not only to stand on a project but also to look for any potential errors. We, therefore, recommend decoding as much as possible by looking at repetitive parts of the code and reusing them in other parts of the project. A practical example: if you set up an automatic heating system in several rooms, you can create a single code structure using FBD and simply paste it into each room. By doing so, you will save a significant amount of time and the resulting code will have a higher compliance rate.

4) Write notes, leave comments
During the PLC program, it is easy to lose track of code, especially when working on complex projects that contain dozens of working blocks or hundreds of lines of code. For easy guidance of code, we recommend writing notes explaining I / O calls, performance block operation, shortcode guide, etc. With such notes, you can easily navigate the code even if it is too late and make the project accessible to other users such as colleagues, repair staff, or customers. When used regularly, a series of comments can simply be comprehensive of a project, explaining in detail its functionality. In the case of performance blocks, you can add comments to the Mervis IDE interface. ST users can write their ideas directly into the code.

5) Create and follow a naming convention
Random naming of valuables or work blocks, especially on complex projects, can make the job very difficult not only for you but also for anyone else working on the project. We therefore strongly recommend creating an integrated template for dynamic words and/or working blocks and following that template during the entire project work. Mervis IDE allows you to easily rename dynamics, I / Os, or controllers – this feature is especially useful when searching for multiple variables, where an integrated naming convention can save you a lot of time and pressure. The latest release of Mervis also introduced a search function, allowing you to search for certain variables and all their occurrences in a project.