The Best IGCSE Maths Revision Tips for the Top Grades

IGCSE Maths is a sizable syllabus packed with formulas, equations, and challenging concepts. You must practise applying them until you are an expert. To do this, it is essential to cultivate critical analysis, abstract thought, and powerful problem-solving abilities.

For the rest of us, it might be unsettling when a student has a natural aptitude for maths and finds it simple. Others have to put in a lot more work, but this does not guarantee that you will receive a top grade. If you fall into the latter type, you must be prepared to devote a significant amount of time and energy to your IGCSE Maths review. To assist you, we have compiled a list of tried and effective strategies.

Following are the revision tips for the top Grades:

  1. Find the study method that works best for you:

Some students find that they study best on their own, solving issues, creating flashcards, and taking practise exams. However, not everyone can make this work. As an alternative, organize in a group. It’s possible that while your pals are knowledgeable about some subjects, you are more knowledgeable about others.

Sharing knowledge and developing your skills while studying with a friend can be incredibly helpful. A very efficient way to learn is to try to explain difficult ideas to your students (and vice versa).

  1. The secret is practise:

Examinees must solve problems and respond to questions in the manner prescribed by the exam board in maths. Recognize the criteria that the mark scheme uses to evaluate each question type. Knowing where the BIG marks are will help you avoid skipping these crucial questions and ensure that your answers are sufficiently in-depth to prevent you from leaving points on the table.

Therefore, to strengthen the skills, you must actually practise maths. It is more advantageous to spend 30 minutes per day solving equations than to spend three hours reading math texts. Tribe Topper suggests, it is best to mark them yourself using the mark scheme so that you can become accustomed to recognizing where you lost important points.

  1. Never be reluctant to seek assistance:

You should not forget that you are not alone in this journey. Your instructors are also present. There is no reason to doubt that they have your best interests at heart. They will be pleased to help you if you need assistance or have queries.

Have buddies that are naturally gifted in math? You can benefit from learning from and with them. If no, then Tribe Topper is here to make your enjoy learning with fun. After all, asking your peers for assistance is less scary than approaching your bosses.

  1. Utilize old exams and times questions:

Get used to taking the entire exam in one sitting and learning how to manage your time well.  You can practise for an exam by taking practise tests.  It doesn’t matter if you practise at home or at school as long as you are honest about it. Set a timer, put your phone aside, and try your best.

IGCSE Maths Mock Question are a great way to enhance your time management. They can give you a clear idea of the types of questions and exam formats to anticipate. The more math problems you complete in this manner, the more proficient you get at solving issues. To “get better,” one must perceive more solutions in addition to the right response.

  1. Organize your time wisely:

Nobody can focus for long periods of time, so estimate your time commitment realistically and take frequent breaks. Make sure to allot enough time for each revision session because you might also be revising for other subjects.

  1. Clearance all of your doubts.

Arithmetic problems can easily cause you to become stuck. Keep your doubts from growing; deal with them as soon as they appear. Your ability to master those things will improve the sooner your questions are answered. Ask your teacher, your pals, or a website or app.


Maths is mostly about patterns and essential ideas that students need to remember and utilize to locate the answers. Every IGCSE math topic, including Equations, Algebra, and Graphs, has a pattern and a common approach to problem-solving.

Once students have mastered that process, answering questions will come naturally to them. No matter how challenging the question is, students must comprehend the fundamental steps involved in solving it.

This develops through practise and haste when figuring out a potential answer employing all the procedures.