Reach Vs. Impressions: How To increase Your Numbers?

When talking about social media management there are two words that are used frequently: “Reach” and “Impressions”. These are part of the vocabulary of anyone who works, in any way, with any platform; but do we really know what they mean?

On social media, your best strategy is to boost your Instagram likes, as well as your views, the number of followers and, finally, your level of engagement. One way to increase your visibility is to buy Instagram followers Canada from a trusted name. And right at the level of engagement is where the key to success on Instagram is, all based on two basic concepts: Reach and impressions.

Before explaining how to measure the reach and impressions of your publications, we will talk about the difference between the two terms.

Scope and Impressions, how are they different?

Reach is the number of users who have seen your posts or ads, while impression refers to the total number of times your post has been seen, even if users don’t interact with it. The meaning of these terms varies from one social network to another:

Scope vs. Facebook impressions

On Facebook, reach refers to the total number of times people have seen your post, even if they don’t click on it. The scope is divided into 4 categories:

  • Organic reach: Consists of the number of people who see your content, for free, in their news section.
  • Paid scope: It refers to the number of people who see the content for which you have paid. This depends on aspects such as audience segmentation and budget.
  • Viral reach: It consists of the number of people who see your publication from the interaction of one of their friends with it. It can be given by likes, shares or comments.

How to increase your Facebook impressions

The goal of anyone marketing through Facebook is to increase clicks and interactions on their posts. This can be achieved using the services we offer, with which you can achieve a large number of impressions. One of such easy way to enhance your Facebook impressions is to buy Facebook Likes Canada. In addition to this, these are some of the things you can do to increase your impressions on Facebook:

Segment your audience

Facebook is a platform with global reach, so you can reach any type of user at any time of the day. However, you need to know how to segment your audience so that your content reaches the right audience. Facebook makes this much easier by allowing you to segment by gender, age group, interests, location, and a number of additional factors.

Use images:

Visual content is king on social media. They can capture the attention of users in a positive or negative way. When posting a photo or image consider the following:

  • Contrast : If you want to gain the attention of users, you can use high contrast images. A clear and simple background with colorful images will make your products stand out.
  • Avoid Stock Images : For most marketers they start out with high-quality stock images. These are a quick and inexpensive alternative. However, overusing these images can feel inauthentic.

Understanding the importance of the quality of your photos on social networks is crucial to strengthen the digital presence of your brand.

Use attractive titles:

You already have the perfect image for Facebook, now you must write a headline that your audience cannot ignore. According to studies, 8 out of 10 people read only the headline of a publication, while only the remaining 2 read all the information. It is for this reason that your headline should be short, attractive, and specific. Check out our article to write great captions.

Don’t neglect the power of your texts:

The text of your publications has a clear function: to motivate your followers to interact with your publication and to take specific actions. Sure, it’s a lot easier said than done, but these are two phrases that are sure to help you get a few clicks:

  • “Learn how to do …” complete the sentence and add a link at the end of the text.
  • “Do you need to ‘fix a problem’? Click here and we’ll explain how”, adding a link at the end.

By increasing clicks on your post, you can expose your content to more people.

Facebook impressions consist of the number of times your content has been viewed, even if there is no interaction. For example, a video will receive impressions by appearing in users’ feed even if no user plays it. On Facebook, impressions are divided into two categories:

  • Impressions served: Calculated according to the content and ads displayed by the system in the side menu or in visible spaces of the Facebook news feed.
  • Visited impressions: In this case, only the impressions in which the user sees the publication on their screen are counted, stopping the navigation until waiting for the ad to load and then continue browsing.

Keep in mind that neither reach nor impressions indicate the number of times someone has clicked on your ad.

Scope vs. Twitter impressions

Unlike Facebook, Twitter only tracks impressions. On Twitter, these consist of the number of times a user sees your tweets, either through search results, on their timeline or in an exchange of tweets with other users.

hen making a tweet that is seen by 3,000 people, the impression will be 3,000 people, even if only 100 of them were the ones who clicked or interacted with your post.

Now, if you reply to this tweet and the same 3000 users see the original tweet again, you will have a total of 6000 impressions. In other words, the use you make of the platform will have a determining influence on the number of impressions your tweets receive.

By replying to comments, they will receive fewer impressions than an original tweet. While it’s still vital that you interact with other users, you should also focus your energy on creating and sharing new content.

Why is it important to focus on both?

Reach and impressions are two crucial indicators to study results after making a social media marketing plan. These allow you to know how many users are receiving your content, which is in itself a sample of the performance of your content strategies and ads on any platform.


Do I need to be a professional to improve the reach and impressions of my posts?

Knowing and studying strategies to improve the reach and impressions of your social networks is crucial, but the good news is that you can learn all this with practice and with an infinite number of online resources.

Why is reach and impressions important?

The importance is that knowing these two factors will allow you to determine how many people see your publications on social networks, which will be decisive to create new strategies and optimize your results. SuperViral is a renowned name in market you can take their help. 

What should I do to increase my reach and impressions on social networks?

You must work on two aspects: The number of followers on your social profiles and the interactions you can generate with your publications. By optimizing your strategies, you can increase both your reach and your impressions on any social network.