5 Money Tips for Bloggers : Planning, Budgeting, and the Importance of Taxes

Starting a blog is a great way to turn your passions into money. But it can be difficult to find the time and energy for blogging, especially if you are juggling other commitments. This post will help you start, grow and manage your blog without sacrificing the other aspects of life that matter most to you!

  • Planning
  • Budgeting
  • Taxation

And more!

The post contains three main sections, each of which will be supplemented with additional resources from the article. The first section focuses on what matters most when you start your blog and how to plan effectively so that it can grow along with you. The second section discusses budgeting and its importance in starting a family or if there is already one at home. And lastly, taxation, an important topic that many bloggers don’t consider until after they have been laying taxes incorrectly all year (misclassifying themselves as employees when they should be filing their taxes as a self-employed business).

Section One: Planning

The first section focuses on what matters most when you start your blog and how to plan effectively so that it can grow along with you. This includes choosing a domain name, coming up with a design or template, understanding the difference between free blogging platforms vs paid, and selecting plugins for your blog. Each of these elements will contribute to how well visitors respond to your content and help drive traffic back to your site. We’ve done all the work of researching everything there is about this topic in one article! Keep reading below as each element is explained in detail including examples from other successful blogs which have implemented them successfully. 

Section Two: Budgeting

The second section discusses budgeting and its importance in starting a family or if there is already one at home. This includes how to balance blogging with spending time on your blog full-time, as well as the basics of setting up budgets for different types of households: single person/single income; two people living together, each earning an income; couples who share expenses/earnings (i.e., freelance); parents with children under 18 years old and more!

Section Three: Taxation

The last section discusses budgeting and its importance in starting a family or if there is already one at home. This includes how to understand your business taxes, where it’s important to keep track of expenses, and what you need to be mindful of when filing them correctly (misclassifying yourself as an employee when you should be filing your taxes as the self-employed).
Read more here at https://campusdoc.net/

Additional Resources: 


Choosing a design or template for your blog is one of the first steps to creating a successful blog. This guide will teach you how to choose the best fit and what they look like on different platforms.

Domain Name Choices

Choosing a domain name for your blog can seem daunting but these tips will help make sure that you get one that fits your brand, needs, budget, and audience before committing! We’ve covered everything in this article so read below or head over now to find out more at our resource page!

Why should you use templates?

Here are five reasons that include being able to save time, having everything in place when launching, collaborating with other bloggers (e.g., cross posting), reducing errors when making changes à la Photoshop, and helping conserve energy while staying productive!


Plugins are important for your blog to function properly and be more user-friendly. These 5 plugins can help you get started: Widgetize, Akismet, Hello Bar, Share This (formerly AddThis), and Google Analytics Dashboard. Here’s how each one works!


WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in use today and for good reason! When you’re ready to start your blog, these quick tips will help make sure that it’s set up right from the beginning.

Other Blogs You Should Check Out

If you’ve made it this far then we commend you because there’s a lot of information on how to get started running a successful business as a blogger. If you want even more resources or inspirations, check out some blogs below who have shared their tips with us! We hope they can be helpful when starting your own blog (or if not yet started, planning).