The secrets behind the creation of a successful mobile dating application

We belong to a globe where everything gets interconnected due to digitization and the various advantages of the internet. As a result of this, people are more enthralled with the concept of mobile dating applications. One such dating app called Tinder has achieved worldwide fame in terms of popularity and reputation and is now seen as a pioneer when it comes to online dating. Since its conceptualization in 2012, there has been an explosion in the growth of Tinder as in a year time, it experienced 100% growth, and in 2 years its user base swelled to 50 million. Now it features 1.6 billion swipes daily operating in over 190 countries. Over 20 billion matches were generated so far by using Tinder.

If you want to create a Tinder clone Script, then below are some essential features that are needed to be included in your mobile dating application. 

For creating a simple functioning dating app, some features are included like:

  • Easy sign-in
  • User Profile
  • Swipe to like (accept) or dislike (reject) a given profile. 
  • A Feature to search for profiles related to mutual interests and friends.

Now, there are mid-level apps for dating which integrate the features as mentioned above along with some discussed below,

  • Facebook’s Mutual Friends List
  • Social Media Integration and Sign-in
  • Likes associated with shared moments
  • Discovery parameters based on Distance, Location, Gender and Age

Finally, we arrive at the advanced apps which encompass all the features as mentioned earlier along with some extra ones.

Advanced chat features

  • Push Notifications
  • Stories and moments which get displayed for a given period
  • Rich photo filters
  • Private chat
  • Smart Search Filters
  • Enthralling UI
  • Geo-tagging and geolocation

Now besides the features that are integrated, every dating app follows a given method when it comes to functionality. When we speak about Tinder, it implements a given algorithm. Practically matches get created depending upon some norms that are listed below.

  • Attractiveness based level

Should a given profile get a lot of matches, then it is attributed to that profile’s attractiveness. It also gets gauged by the number of likes a given profile amasses.

  • Profile Activity

The profile-based activity is related to several aspects, including the user-based location and the originality of the account. There are situations where the user who had just installed the mobile app has changed the location. It will undoubtedly impact the activity levels of the user.

  • Spam quotient

There is a speciality of Tinder where it identifies the various accounts which are logged from a single device. Furthermore, Tinder will also track the device id to determine if the user is either a bot or not.

  • The activity level of the Facebook profile

As Tinder inputs the information from the Facebook profile of the user to verify the account validity, it goes one step further where it makes sure that the profiles get matched with the premise being the mutual friend’s list and various other interest levels.

  • Other important functionalities

Tinder will function to get information regarding the user’s present location and provide matching profiles related to the already inputted preferences and likings of the user.

Monetization Strategies followed by Dating Apps

In the beginning, Tinder was free to download. With time, it introduced subscription plans, namely Tinder Plus, Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum which contained premium features for increasing the success of getting matches.

Other monetization strategies followed by other dating apps encompass the likes of Digital Gifting, Paid Memberships, Advertising and Premium Add-on features.


The digital dating domain is seeing an upsurge when it comes to growth and profitability, and there are more and more dating apps emerging to compete with one another for supremacy. If you want to get a powerful dating app that is cost-effective and developed within the shortest time frame, you can opt for the services of Tinderboxsolutions. Our Tinder clone script has all the features of Tinder and is more advanced with 100% customization and lots of new innovative features not featured in the original dating application.

You are more than welcome to share your ambitious dating application ideas with us, and we will give a free quote as well.

To know more visit our website at

Author Bio:

Vinoth is the proactive Marketing and Sales Lead based at Tinderboxsolutions. He has pioneered the Canadian based technology company to become one of the most sought after dating mobile app development companies in the world. In his free time, he loves writing blogs based on the benefits of clone apps, along with IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

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