Turn Business Cards into Contacts with the free Business Card Scanner for iOS and Android

Nowadays, nobody wants to manually add business card data into contacts, so it usually never gets entered at all. But still, you need a way to share and capture contact info, whether it’s from a virtual event, face-to-face meeting, or chance encounter in the supermarket. And there’s no better time to use the right technology business card organizer apps to organize, share and create your contacts so you’re prepared for any scenario.

Whether you need digital cards, contact sharing over team collaboration, Zoom, or just want to get paper cards organized with a business card organizer, there are free scanner apps that get the job done. We tested over two dozen business card scanners, trying each with a simple, complicated, and blurry card for the phone to see how they worked in real-life use.

When Receive Business cards

Once you receive a card from anybody, the first question is what you do with it and the important information is critical. When I get a card from a new contact, I usually stow it in a holder in my purse up to the next time I’m at my personal computer. Then I either manually record the contact’s information into my Google Contact or type a “thanks, nice to meet you” email, in which case her or his email will automatically be saved in my drafts and I’ll get contact info via email signature when she or he responds. After that? I threw the card in the basket.

It’s not a good way, but as of yet, I haven’t been able to find a good, tech-optimized one. For a time, I tried out a storage app, but after some time, I found it useless to have to use two different contact applications, my phone’s native Contacts, and an application just for individuals from whom I had collected a card.

Digital Solution for Business cards

Free business card scanners for IOS and android create a business card mode for its built-in app camera that scans the info from physical business cards and generates better scan results through its OCR technology. Within a fraction of a second, you can connect with that person on several social media platforms, share your details with him, or save new contact directly to your mobile address book.

There’s a free scanner app in the App Store and play store that helps you to scan your business cards into the contacts on your mobile device. It scans each card and stores the relevant details in a new contact.

The coolest part is to take a snap of the business card, and just put it down on any surface and frame it in the business card scanner mode. The mobile camera will find the card edges and take a photo, no clicks or taps are required. Besides, unlike your standard address information book, the card reader for phone integration with the internet cloud means you can easily pin images, to-dos, or documents to contacts for a richer than ever database of several connections.

To save your precious time and be able to scan different business cards for transfer into contacts with the tap of a button, download the business card scanner apps for iOS and android!