Viral Social Media Content – 7 Tips To Motivate Fans & Followers To Share

Like social media marketing in general, content marketing is not designed to be controlled top-down. Rather, it’s about animating and motivating your fans and followers to share your social media content and distribute it in their own networks. On the one hand, you have to give people content-related incentives and, on the other hand, it must not be complicated for your users to distribute the content on the social media platforms. With this article we want to help you to optimize your social media content so that as many of your fans and followers as possible carry your messages into their own networks. Here are 7 tips that will turn your content into viral social media content.

Tip # 1: Social Media Integration Through Plugins And Buttons

If your content ends up directly on Facebook, Twitter or other social networks, then sharing and retweeting is no problem. Use the possibilities of the social plugins and integrate them on your website and blog . There are various sharing buttons for all social media platforms, from the sharing plugin for Facebook to the Pin It button for Pinterest.

Tip # 2: Offer Rewards For Sharing

Many of you know the Facebook competitions, the raffle of which you can only enter if you share a contribution in your chronicle. In most cases, these competition entries receive significantly more shares, likes and comments than “normal” posts. For some time now, these competitions are no longer prohibited by Facebook’s guidelines. But why only ask something from your fans? Give your fans and followers incentives or discounts for their efforts. Or quite simply: Just say “thank you” to the fans who distribute your content. Nobody will complain about that.

Tip # 3: Visual Social Media Content Is Becoming Increasingly Important

With mere text contributions, for example on Facebook, you hardly have a chance of getting the attention of your fans in the news feed. Your fans and followers are also interested in spreading visually appealing posts. In addition, videos, graphics and images can help explain information better and make your content more understandable.

Tip # 4: Arouse Emotions

As in real life, positive emotions are more popular than bad news on social media platforms. So it is no coincidence that the song “Happy” by Pharell Williams became a viral phenomenon. If you want to evoke emotions with your content, it is more amusement, recognition, astonishment or enthusiasm rather than sadness. Negative emotions such as rejection or anger can also encourage sharing if they have an activating effect. Jonah Berger found in a study of articles in the New York Times that positive news is shared because people prefer to convey good messages rather than bad ones.

Tip # 5: Useful Social Media Content Is Often Shared

When creating content, ask yourself what added value the content of the blog article or post gives you. Because that’s exactly what people really want and what they like to share. A study by the NYT Insight Group shows that social media users ask themselves the question of whether or not your content contains useful information before sharing. So create how-to content and informative articles with tips to get as many shares as possible.

Tip # 6: Use Self-Presentation In Social Media

There are completely different types of social network users. It is important for many users to present themselves or to spread their beliefs and opinions. They want the social web to know who they are. If you meet this need with your social media content, then the chances are not bad that your content will also be noticed. It is of the utmost importance to know your own target group exactly, understand their convictions and tailor the content accordingly.

Tip # 7: Know The Interest Of Your Users

In addition to self-portrayal, many social media users are also interested in connecting with people who think similarly or have the same interests. According to a study by the NYT Insight Group, 73% of users share content in order to maintain existing relationships or to build new ones. Here, too, it is important to know your target group exactly. In addition, there is also regular trend research on the web, so that you are not only up-to-date, but can also publish information before the competition does.


Many companies speak of virality. But not all content becomes a viral phenomenon. First try to satisfy your fans with your community management. They will thank you with commitment in the long term. When creating content for the social web, always ask yourself why one of your fans or followers should share the content. If you can’t answer the question for yourself, don’t expect your fans to either.