How to design a dressing room with Fitted wardrobes to suit you

If you are thinking of designing a dressing room where it allows you to have a larger and more organized space for your clothes, shoes, and accessories,

Here we show you everything you have to take into account to be able to design Wardrobes Birmingham to suit you. Perhaps we do not imagine that the space we have can

Built-in wardrobes under stairs

If in your house you have a staircase between one floor and another, you can take advantage of the space that exists under the stairs to be able to increase the storage space in your home by installing a built-in closet under the stairs. Having extra storage space can come in handy to store any object, since

Can you imagine having in the same room of our house, from footwear to cosmetics or any accessory?

A dressing room is a very interesting option to consider as the nerve center of our storage . Next, we will give you some guidelines to take into account when organizing a dressing room.

The order of the garments

Let’s think about the storage order of our clothes since this will be displayed in plain sight. To do this, a tip is to order the garments by color and season. The seasonal clothes insight and the off-season clothes in the upper part are properly organized

To have the clothes properly organized we can help ourselves with boxes or baskets of multiple shapes, colors or finishes. 

In this sense, we must take into account that our dressing room must have hidden storage options for garments or accessories that we do not want to be visible either in said boxes or in drawers to use.

Garment selection and cleaning

It can be a real punishment to put it into practice, but from time to time, it is convenient or in some cases necessary to select and clean clothes that we no longer use

 Why keep saving that patterned sweater, which you will not wear again if you have gotten to wear it?

We want to be fashionable and our dressing room or our closets are not a warehouse for out-of-season garments and much less a museum.

It’s difficult, but make the effort!! Start by donating what you haven’t worn in the last two years. And the rest put it in boxes so that they pass the trial period in which they are rescued to be able to be useful on some occasion or become a memory

The layout of the dressing room

The logical distribution of a dressing room or closet would be, the upper part for suitcases, out-of-season clothes in their boxes or bath clothes and bedding. The central part for the most commonly used garments, especially short clothes, and the lower part as a shoe rack or for accessory shelves.

The stay or dressing room

To make our dressing room special with Walk in wardrobes Birmingham, we must not neglect the environment or the space in which it is located.

Pay special attention to lighting. It is essential in decoration; it plays with direct and indirect light with its warmth and intensity. We can put both points of light.


The 5 mistakes you should not make when thinking about designing a custom dressing room.

First of all, don’t be fooled by photos on social media!
A photo seen on the internet does not guarantee the viability of a dressing room. You always have to compare its measurements with the total dimensions of the furniture.

It is not always feasible.
In fact, the way bedrooms are designed today, there is often little usable space.

There are different types of dressing rooms.
Fortunately, there are a million possible solutions, even unusual ones.

It’s not the end of the world if it can’t be done.
A well-designed closet Wardrobes Birmingham can be spacious and highly functional. You can also take advantage of the spaces under the beds or the comfortable niches.

If you don’t set it right, you better not have it.
A custom walk-in closet is a room unto itself. It helps because it makes it easier for you to change seasons, but it can become a frenzy if it is not organized to the millimeter. You may find yourself not knowing where to put your things.