How to make your ecommerce startup stand out in the crowd

With so many ecommerce startups spring up everyday, one way to keep your business afloat is to implement cutting edge technology and strategies to make your company stand out. Here are five actionable strategies you can adopt for your ecommerce business.

1. New and enhanced products 

Offering cutting edge goods is one way to stand out from the crowd. When you have the same goods as someone else, then you would find it difficult to differentiate yourself. Under such a situation, price is about the only way you can survive, and that can easily turn into a race down to the edge.Nevertheless, if you keep on top of the ecommerce trends and keep an eye on new technologies and innovations, you will be the first to market a product. Additionally, you may also create and invent your own goods, or boost existing ones.

New products allow the organization to generate hype and excitement. You can easily corner the market when you’re the only one selling a drug. But if you rely on manufacturers to create new opportunities for your company, know that your rivals will capitalize on those same trends as soon as they can. If this happens, you have to change accordingly.

2. Channels supported by third parties 

If you are in the business of ecommerce, it is reasonable that you have your own website, which is a powerful marketing tool for yourself. But you can not forget the value of appearing on the platforms of other people too. Getting links from authority sites will help with not just your SEO, but your credibility as well.One way to make the most of third party platforms is by hosting guests for them. When you provide their audiences with value-added content, you can boost your online profile and gain new customers in the process. 

If your business is highly fruitful or exceptional in some way, seek to respond to “Help a Reporter Out (HARO)” queries to get featured on news sites and industry blogs as well.And, don’t forget: when you’re featured on yet another site, you can use your site’s badges to view the prominent publishers who listed your company.

3. Branding

You may not be ready to contend with your ecommerce store on the product , price or shipping. If that is the case, then accept that your expression is something other people can not replicate. Even if, in every other respect, they can copy your business, your branding remains your own. 

Search for ways to bring out unique aspects of your business.Selling hand-made products? Is it environmentally friendly for your business? Do you offer a product which is superior value than your competitors? Is your persona somehow quirky, or unique? Can you add fun to a seriously volatile market, or vice versa? Custom packaging could be seen as a selling point?

Some of these techniques can be replicated, but there are those that can not be easily recreated as well. Be mindful of the disparity and be able to adapt if your specific selling idea is not specific any more.

4. Socio-evidence 

Public evidence is an measure of legitimacy. It can encourage visitors to new website to place an order with you. So if they have been browsing your site for a while without making a purchasing decision, the turning point they need might be a bit of social evidence. 

Your website offers many different ways to utilize social evidence. Here are only few examples:-

Celebrity endorsement.  When celebrities love using your product or wearing it, you can highlight them in your pictures. 

Client reviews. Both positive and negative reviews have their place, so long as they give potential consumers a positive perspective. 

Content generated by customer. Encourage your customers to send photographs of themselves using or wearing your items, where applicable.

Integrate “likes.” Allow visitors to have items “like” or “favorite” without purchasing them. Then, display the complete count “like” in the product listings

5. A caring cause 

People tend to feel they are doing good for humanity, even if they shop online. Seeing that you, the brand owner, have donated a portion of your revenue from the user’s perspective, it will seem like an act of selflessness. And the person will feel good about doing business with you.It’s all about providing an outstanding customer experience how you make your customers feel, so a charitable partnership can be strong.If you are looking to work with a charity or company, consider a good match. Your new partner is meant to be a cause that you genuinely believe in and can stand behind. It should also be a reason you can help your leads and customers. 

Just be careful about your choice: if you sell organic grass-fed beef, then it may seem odd to give any of your profits to an organization for animal rights. So choose carefully.Partnership with a charitable organization can also help you to gain more media exposure from a marketing and PR standpoint. Finally, donating is not the tax-accounting nightmare it used to be, assuming you are using the correct cash flow management systems.Render globalisation the goal .

Unless the goal is genuinely to be everywhere your customer is, then your eCommerce company must also go regional. 

Although some companies will simply not be able to satisfy global orders or provide long-distance support, the ones that can significantly benefit.There are many benefits of globalisation. In addition to boosted sales and revenue, your business is automatically geared to global expansion. In addition, globalisation, brand awareness, sustainability, and customer access are enhanced. 

Including robust foreign payment processing solutions and backend structures that sustain multinational operations are two fields that assist with globalisation.

Operating an eCommerce store can be smooth sailing as long as you are willing to integrate these above tactics and strategies into your company which you can use to boost your eCommerce presence and sail toward ongoing profits.

Author Bio:

Joy smith is a Business Manager at Magneto IT Solutions – a Software development company in Bahrain offers quality Iphone Application  Development, Magento development,android app development, magento migration, electronics eCommerce solution services. The company has experienced Laravel developers for hire at a very affordable price. She is a firm believer in teamwork; for her, it is not just an idea, but also the team’s buy-in into the idea, that makes a campaign successful! She is  enthusiastic about all things marketing.

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