Why is SEO Important Element in a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Digital marketing has taken over the world of advertising by storm and SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most crucial aspects to boost its success rate.

In fact, SEO induces visibility and searchability for brands and therefore assists in keeping them above competition. 

So like any other business if you want to boost user traffic, visibility, ROI and rate of conversions then you cannot ignore SEO. 

Afterall, a good ranking ensures more exposure to the potential customers than any other means. 

However the best part about SEO is that you can bring in traffic without spending on advertisement budget. So it is a long-term solution for ensuring consistent traffic to the site. 

But before we proceed let’s understand-

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of digital marketing that makes web pages simple to find, easy to crawl and easy to categorize from amongst the thousands of businesses available online. This enables your brand to be discovered by the customers through the online platforms.

By following the prevalent and efficient SEO practices, any business can make their site rank high on the Search Engine Result Pages or SERPs and thus enhance the probability of the same to be found by potent customers which can eventually result in conversions. 

Research suggests that almost 14 billion searches are conducted every month and if your site is losing out on this, you can only imagine how much progress your business can make once you adopt good SEO practices.

It is for this reason that despite the expertise and labour demanded by SEO, it is still an intrinsic part of digital marketing for bringing in organic traffic and most brands follow this. 

Still have doubts about why SEO is vital?

Without further ado, let’s discover the other reasons why SEO is essential for your digital marketing campaign. Take a look. 

Gain from Great Source of Organic Traffic – Organic traffic is said to drive the maximum amount of traffic to any site (around 51%) in any industry. SEO is more vital than any other digital marketing mediums because it affects the largest volume. People frequently tend to avoid adverts and they often feel like clicking to the organic search results straight away. Naturally, you are missing out on valuable traffic if you have not opted for SEO still. In fact it should be the primary digital channel to invest in.

Ensure Long Term Success – For paid ads there is a certain amount that you have to invest every month. And there can be a time when you don’t have the budget to go for it. But SEO creates a consistent traffic influx if you optimise your site for it even without any fixed monthly investment. It is a long-term strategy that calls for constant improvements to the site along with the input of interesting contents that the site visitors would enjoy.

Improve B2B Marketing – Many B2B executives argue that the Search Engine Optimisation is more effectual for B2C companies but it is actually the best strategy for both business types. This is because of the fact that both types of consumers have to do research online prior to making a purchase. In fact, prior probes have brought to light the fact that almost 94% of the B2B purchasers go for online research before making a purchase and Google search is used by 77% of them.

Build Trust and Credibility –The goal of any experienced SEO is establishing a strong foundation for a great site with an effectual user experience that can be discovered easily in search results by utilising or improving the digital properties of the site and the trust and credibility of the brand. 

There are a number of things that are considered to establish authority in case of the search results like Google.  Over time elements like the following assist in the accruing the authority – 

  1. Positive user behaviour 
  2. Quality backlinks
  3. Machine learning signals
  4. Positive user behaviour 
  5. Optimised On Page contents and elements 

This authority is going to improve the brand reputation than most other digital optimisation option. But the issue is that it takes time and effort as authority needs time to be built just like in real life. But with patience, effort and quality you can achieve it which will allow customers to truly trust your brand. 

Enable Local Searches –

The local businesses can suffer often because of the tough competition that they have to withstand and that is prevalent in case of SEO, too. While it can be challenging to reach out to those closest to you in such a scenario, the tools like Google My Business really turns out to be beneficial. SEOs can optimise your this account and help you to rank in the map pack which will make your business visible in the vast majority of local searches. 

Not just that, SEO compels you to improve your user experience to ensure desired results which, in turn, helps to boost the authority and popularity of your brand further. 

Added to that, you can also boost the website leads by standing out amongst the competitors and establishing a strong brand presence. 

To make the most of this therefore, it is imperative for you to appoint an experienced team from a premium digital marketing agency in India who know the tricks of the trade and can help you get the true value for your money.

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